What kind of “dead” robot was discovered on the surface of Mars by NASA satellites, and which mission does it belong to?

What kind of “dead” robot was discovered on the surface of Mars by NASA satellites, and which mission does it belong to?

For nearly two decades, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has been peering down at the Red Planet’s surface. In addition to serving as a vital data relay station for other NASA missions, it is searching for water.

It saw another robot earlier this month that the US space agency launched to the surface of Mars in 2018 but that is no longer in operation. As NASA noted, it is still helpful for researching Mars even though it is “dead.”
NASA’s InSight lander, which was dispatched to the Red Planet to investigate the interior of Mars, was the subject of this inquiry. According to the US space agency, “[It] was designed to take the planet’s vital signs: its pulse, temperature, and reflexes.”

surface of Mars

Its landing spot is on the smooth, level plain known as Elysium Planitia, which is close to Mars’ equator.
In order to examine the 1,300+ earthquakes recorded by the vessel, including one with a magnitude of 4.7 in May 2022, a seismometer was placed on the surface. In order to gauge Mars’ temperature, InSight also sank a thermometer far into the Red Planet. It also offered a daily weather update from the planet that humans aspire to visit in person.

Before running out of electricity in 2022, it was in operation for four years. InSight was fueled by solar energy, in contrast to the nuclear-powered Curiosity and Perseverance rovers, which are still functioning on Mars. Eventually, the accumulation of dust on them reduced their capacity to recharge the craft’s batteries.
Still, it serves a purpose even when left out on the surface, figuratively gathering dust. NASA Mars stated in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, that “by studying InSight’s landing site over time, scientists can see how quickly dust accumulates, which helps estimate the age of other surface disturbances.” They also released a photo of InSight that was taken from orbit by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Official site : https://science.nasa.gov/mission/insight/

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