What Occurs to Your Body If You Consume Blueberries Daily, as per a Dietitian

blueberries on white ceramic container

If you’ve been popping blueberries by the bunch lately, you’re not alone. Summertime is prime blueberry season, July through August in particular, and there are tons of berries available everywhere these days, from your neighborhood grocery store to the farmers’ market.

In addition to being a great fruit snack on their own, blueberries taste great when added to salads, smoothies, muddled into drinks, and baked into pies, scones, muffins, puddings, and tarts.

Do Blueberries Provide Health Benefits?

black berries on brown wooden chopping board

Dietitians claim that blueberries have long been regarded as a “superfood” due to its abundance of numerous nutrients, all of which have a favorable impact on your health. “Those effects include heart, brain, digestive, eye and skin benefits,” according to dietitian. Additionally, because of their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, berries can help with weight management, cancer prevention, and Type 2 diabetes management.

Dietitian: “Blueberrie contain antioxidants and phytochemicals that may support heart health, skin health, and hormonal balance. They also contain folate and vitamin C, which may support fertility and the health of the fetus.” Have you ever wondered why blueberry extract is included as a component in so many beauty products? That’s because the potency of this enchanted berry equals its flavor. It can significantly increase your skin’s glow factor and combat aging indications.

Regarding the powerful berry’s connection to fetal development and fertility, a nutritionist claims that berries anti-inflammatory qualities may help reduce some of the pain and discomfort brought on by inflammation and menstrual cramps. “Their fiber content may also help regulate blood sugar levels and contribute to a healthy heart and digestive system,” a dietician suggests.

The Healthiest Blueberry Recipes

You would think that eating blueberries by the bushel would be okay given their numerous health benefits, but you need to be careful with how you consume this delightful little fruit because it has a moderate amount of sugar—about 15 grams per cup.

“Some of the healthiest ways to consume berries are in their fresh and raw form because they maintain more of their nutritional value unprocessed or uncooked,” explains a dietician. Dietitians recommend having a handful as a morning or afternoon snack on their own or combined with other berries like blackberries and strawberries. Other popular uses for berries include smoothies, cereal, yogurt, salad dressings, frozen popsicles, and toppings for smoothies.

These aren’t the healthiest ways to consume the superfood, as tempting as it may be in the heart of summer when freshly baked blueberry pies and confectionery items with berries as an ingredient are everywhere. “The least healthy ways to eat berries are in sugary desserts or paired with deep-fried recipes,” a nutritionist advises.

If You Eat Blueberries Every Day, What Would Happen to Your Body?

“If consumed daily, a person will likely have an increased antioxidant and anti-inflammatory food intake, which may lead to improved heart health, digestive health, blood sugar regulation, cancer risk and chronic disease risk,” explains a dietician. It’s crucial to remember that consuming berries by themselves may not have these effects, but when included in a varied and balanced diet, dieticians say there are many potential benefits.

A cup of berries provides only 80 calories, 4 grams of dietary fiber, and 25% of the daily required intake of vitamin C.

This means that if you have a tiny portion of fruit that is under 100 calories, you can fulfill your sweet tooth demands. But what happens if you overindulge? “Incorporating blueberries into your daily diet can contribute to overall well-being,” explains a dietitian, “However, like with any food, moderation and variety are important.” Even though blueberries are a nutrient-dense food, a diet that is too heavy on one particular meal could be unbalanced. To make sure you get all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients your body needs for optimal performance, dieticians advise eating a variety of nutrient-rich meals.

What Is the Daily Allotment of Blueberries?

Free stock photo of berries, blueberries, food

In light of factors including age, gender, exercise level, and total dietary requirements, Hill points out that the recommended daily consumption of blueberries can vary. However, it is still thought that 1/2 cup is the appropriate serving size for blueberries.

What Happens if You Consume Too Many Blueberries?

Person Holding Black Currants

It makes sense to want to have a pint or two of blueberries in one sitting, considering how tasty they are, but dietitians advise against it. “Overconsuming blueberries can cause potential health concerns like excessive calorie intake, fiber overload leading to GI issues, spikes in blood sugar and oxalate overload leading to kidney stone formation,” explains a nutritionist.

We advise adhering to the suggested 1/2 cup per day in light of this. You can always start over tomorrow, after all.

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What Happens to Your Body if You Eat Blueberries Every Day, According to a Registered Dietitian (msn.com)

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