Waist Whittling: 6 Fast Strategies to Lose an Inch in Just One Week!


Calorie calculations show that an average-sized person would need to lose 4 pounds, or about 14,000 calories, to lose an inch around the middle. This is similar to the recommended weekly calorie intake for women.

Obviously, cutting calories won’t cut it because there are other things besides belly fat that affect your girth, like bloating, water retention, and low muscle tone.

here are six easy ways to whittle down your waistline in just seven days.

1. Wring out any water retention

Water retention is characterized by symptoms such as stiff joints, swollen feet, ankles and legs, and abdominal bloating or swelling. If you feel like it’s making you tighter, there are many natural ways to get rid of it.

Green tea has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for its diuretic properties. If you don’t enjoy green tea, you can still get the same benefits as coffee, but you’ll need to drink several cups per day.

You can also try increasing your intake of the minerals potassium and magnesium in your diet. A meal high in potassium increases urine output and lowers salt levels, reducing fluid retention, while magnesium acts as an electrolyte to maintain fluid balance.

One food that contains both is bananas, along with a bonus 3g of fibre. Have one for breakfast along with that green tea or coffee, and you’re well on your way to a better fluid balance.

2. Get the gut going

Eating foods rich in insoluble fiber will help keep things moving in the stomach, as constipation and slow digestion can cause it. Known as “roughage,” this chimney acts like a sweeper in the stomach, removing debris and dead cells while stimulating frequent bowel movements.
Whole grains, nuts, legumes, and fruits and vegetables—especially in their skins—all contain insoluble fiber. Aim for 30 grams or more of soluble and insoluble fiber per day.

These are some foods that are high in fiber, measured in grams.

The list below has a total of just under 40g.

  • 75g (uncooked weight) wholegrain pasta: 7.5g
  • 30g almonds: 3.5g
  • ½ can mixed beans: 8.5g
  • 50g raspberries: 4g
  • 1 pear: 6g
  • 1 medium potato with the skin: 5g
  • 1 large slice of wholegrain bread: 4g

3. “Wall” pilates can tone your abs

Wall Pilates, the newest fitness trend on TikTok, is a great way to tone your waistline without doing boring sit-ups. All you need is a wall.

While there are many other ways to work your abs, a popular exercise is the wall crunch, which involves lying on your back with your legs extended up to the wall and your bottom close to the wall. Squeeze your abs, raise your shoulders, place your hands behind your head and hold the position for a second or two. Slowly restart to the starting position, then repeat. Depending on your condition you should do two or three sets of fifteen to twenty repetitions a day. There are tons of free wall pilates exercises on YouTube if you want to add more to your repertoire.

4. Calorie restriction will help

Limiting your calorie intake for a week can help you lose those inches, although it’s not the whole story. If you cut your daily calorie intake by 500, you should lose at least one pound a week. Having a late breakfast at 11 am, skipping lunch and finishing dinner at 7 pm. There is an easy way to do this. You will also benefit from a 16-hour overnight fast.

Another strategy is to eliminate caloric beverages if these are too limited. If you have a juice or smoothie in the morning, a few lattes during the day, and a glass of wine at night, you consume 500 calories in liquid form. If you limit your tea-water or coffee intake, your waistline will thank you.

5. Bust away stress

One of the first signs that your stress levels are rising may be an uncomfortable churning sensation in your stomach. Prolonged periods of stress can adversely affect our digestive system in many ways, not the least of which is high cortisol levels, the stress hormone, which damages our gut microbiota and causes inflammation.

The best way to reduce stress is to do some light to moderate physical exercise. Every day, a brisk 10-minute walk lifts the mood, ends the work day, and leads to a more restful evening. Furthermore, research has shown the positive effects of mild exercise on gut microbiota and prevention of gas retention.

Experts say the biggest way to diversify your gut flora and improve gut health is to eat a more plant-based diet. Each meal should include at least three different plant foods; They can include whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices in addition to fruits and vegetables.

6. Debloat with kiwi 

In terms of specific foods that help reduce bloating, kiwi fruit is the best. According to 2020 research, eating two kiwi fruits per day can reduce gas and water retention in the intestines. On the other hand, if you experience bloating or gas, it’s best to avoid certain foods including beans and cruciferous vegetables such as lentils, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, garlic, onions, and carbonated beverages.

Making a tart salsa to serve with baked or grilled fish is a fresh way to enjoy kiwi fruit. Chop about two peeled kiwi fruits, one small red onion, one yellow pepper, two tomatoes, one garlic clove and a handful of coriander and keep them in a bowl in a food processor along with 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, the juice of a lime and a pinch of salt and black pepper. Pulse to a coarse, salsa-like consistency. Eat immediately.

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