For aesthetic reasons alone, a lot of individuals like having flowering plants in their home garden or balcony. What if, however, some of these exquisite flowers were also Vastu-recommended? Here is a list of ten lovely flowers that Vastu experts also suggest.
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Beautiful Plants suggests by Vastu

The most well-known flowering plant that Vastu suggests is jasmine. It is said that the lovely scent of the flower brings kindness and positivity into the home. Jasmine is said to be suggested due to its calming properties.
Money plant

In addition to being a familiar sight in many Indian homes, money plants are also suggested by Vastu! Vastu principles are thought to attract wealth and success through the money plant, which is also easy to maintain.

A lovely flowering plant called hibiscus is presented to Goddess Kali and utilized in rituals. Vastu suggests hibiscus because of its vivid red blossoms, which are considered a symbol of vitality and good fortune.

In Hindu homes, tulsi is a commonplace plant with sacred significance. According to Vastu, it is sacred, said to have therapeutic benefits, and has the power to fight off evil energy and purify the surroundings.

The rose, the flower of love, is exquisite in every way. Although there is disagreement among experts regarding the benefits and drawbacks of owning rose plants, most agree that they represent the epitome of positivity, love, and happiness.

Marigold is another flower that is used in household pujas and is very simple to grow. Marigold flowers are said to fend off bad energy and help bring prosperity into the home, according to Vastu beliefs.

Lotus is the ideal plant for happiness and spiritual growth, but it is impossible to grow at home, according to Vastu. The lotus flower, which is the seat of Lord Vishnu, has many mystical qualities.

Chrysanthemums are associated with happiness, longevity, and good fortune in many cultures, according to Vastu experts. In order to add a little happiness and positivity to your home, consider installing these flowers.

The flower lavender has a wide range of health advantages. Everything about this flower is delightful, from its exquisite petals to the aroma it can fill your yard with. Lavender is also said to be helpful in preserving harmony, tranquility, and good energy.

To put it mildly, growing orchids can be challenging, but the results are astounding. According to Vastu, orchids enhance the flow of energy in a room and draw positive energy into the house they are in.
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