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Unexpected Benefits of Alcohol for You
Recognize Your Limitations
Let’s be clear before you start a petition to replace the office water cooler with a beer keg: alcohol is only good in moderation. For women, that means no more than one drink per day (5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer, or 1.5 ounces of liquor); for men, that means two drinks per day. The hazards rise and the benefits become less clear after that.

Benefits Your Heart
In good health, moderate alcohol use reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and hardened arteries by 25% to 40%. This could be partially due to the fact that moderate alcohol consumption can increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. Conversely, excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of heart disease.
Increases Your Level of Activity
Compared to nondrinkers, moderate drinkers have a far higher likelihood of exercising. They might possibly experience additional health benefits from it. Conversely, you are more inclined to drink occasionally if you exercise more. Scientists are unsure about the precise origin of this connection.
Prevents Kidney Stones
Regular moderate drinkers have a lower risk of kidney stones: 41% lower risk for beer drinkers and 33% lower risk for wine drinkers. Alcohol, like caffeine in coffee and tea, may contribute to the frequent urination that occurs. This aids in removing the microscopic crystals that turn into stones. However, drinking too much might cause dehydration, which raises your risk of kidney stones and other health issues.
Increases Your Social Media Presence
You should have nice friends. Additionally, individuals who have a few drinks—as opposed to, say, sodas—tend to converse more. Additionally, they are more inclined to grin at each other and keep the conversation going. However, don’t go overboard—happy hour is named such for a reason.
Enhances Your Sexual Life
You can manage stress better when you are intimate, and a little wine might help. In one study, women reported higher levels of desire, arousal, and sexual pleasure compared to those who drank one or two glasses of red wine daily. More drinkers said nothing changed. In addition to making men and women more gregarious, drinking may also increase a man’s testosterone levels. However, men who overindulge in alcohol may lose their desire for and capacity for sex.
Benefits the Brain
Having one or two drinks a few times a week may help lower your risk of Alzheimer’s. In addition to lowering the risk of stroke and heart disease, moderate drinking may also hasten the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
Stabilizes blood sugar
Drinking a glass of wine with dinner or a martini during happy hour may reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Although the precise reason is unknown to scientists, it is possible that a few drinks aid your body in managing elevated blood sugar levels in a beneficial manner.
read also: 6 Advantages for your health and mind when you give up alcohol
Drinking a glass of wine with dinner or a martini during happy hour may reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Although the precise reason is unknown to scientists, it is possible that a few drinks aid your body in managing elevated blood sugar levels in a beneficial manner.
Benefits of Alcohol for You Benefits of Alcohol for You Benefits of Alcohol for You Benefits of Alcohol for You
WOW I read this article … It was amazing I can’t believe alcohol can have any benefits