Tree: Invite adorable crows with this low-maintenance ornamental tree!


We want it all when it comes to our backyard. We want our neighborhood to be warm and inviting, with lots of beautiful trees that add beauty year-round. If you enjoy bird watching, you should also include plants that will attract these avian creatures. Fortunately, some plants are multi-purpose, such as the American mountain ash tree. This tree is attractive in every season. Bright orange leaves contrast with white flowers that bloom in spring and turn into colorful berry clusters in fall. These berries will bring a variety of birds to your yard.

Despite the misleading name, the tree is actually a member of the Rosaceae family, not an ash tree. Because it is non-invasive and native to North America, you can plant it in your yard with confidence that it will get along well with other plants there. Read on to find out all the information you need to care for this bird-attracting plant (hint: it’s pretty easy).

Read more: How To Help Your Trees That Aren’t Supplying Fruit?

A low-maintenance ornamental tree that will bring crows to your yard

Why Do Birds Love It?

With grass full of insects and trees bearing fruit in spring and summer, birds often have a wide selection of food to choose from. But when autumn ends and winter approaches, it becomes more difficult for birds to get their next meal. The nutrient-rich berries of American mountain ash trees stay on the tree longer than other tree species, so they serve as an essential food source when other sources are in short supply.

This is especially important as their fall migration closes, which can extend into November. Birds need extra fat and energy for their trip, so seeing fertile American mountain ash in these later months is highly beneficial. The bright red color of the berries not only adds color to a dull winter garden, but also makes the berries more visible, which will bring more birds to your yard.

How To Care For An American Mountain Ash

A tree with many benefits requires very little care. It is native to the northeastern United States, prefers cooler climates, and grows well in moist mountain forest areas. Although they can withstand high temperatures, it is best to avoid planting in extremely dry soil or hot, muddy summers. It prefers well-drained and acidic soil. Planting them on pipe infrastructure should not be too problematic due to their generally shallow root systems. If you live in an area that receives frequent storms, however, you may want to plant a tree that thrives in stormy environments.

The plant needs at least six hours of sunlight per day, but will happily accept it, so grow it in full sun to get the most fruit. It grows faster in full sun, although it can tolerate some shade. Actually, pregnancy is not a concern at all. This plant requires little care. You don’t need to worry about watering if you live in a cool mountainous area, where the plant can often withstand natural rainfall. On the other hand, if you are growing it in a highly arid or dry climate, using more irrigation will keep it healthy.

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