The world’s 5 breathtaking natural wonders

Explorers, adventurers and tourists have been fascinated by our planet’s abundant breathtaking views and extraordinary natural wonders for countless years. This gallery is a testament to the amazing variety and magnificence that Mother Nature has to offer, whether you’re a seasoned traveler or just looking for some inspiration.

World’s 5 breathtaking natural wonders

1.Thor’s Well


Thor’s Well gets its name from the Norse god of thunder, which creates a magical effect of filling and emptying. This Oregon Coast natural wonder was created when the ceiling of an underwater cave collapsed.

2.Marble Caves

a large cave with water inside of it

Patagonia is home to Chile’s Marble Caves, also known as the Marble Cathedral. These rocks were formed by water over 6,000 years and the calcium carbonate in the rocks gives them unusual and breathtaking colors.

3.Caño Cristales River

The Caño Cristales River in Meta, Colombia, also known as the Liquid Rainbow, has a unique beauty. Thanks to a rare plant called Macerania clavigera that grows along its river banks, it has vibrant reds, blues, greens and yellows for half the year.


silhouette of person standing on rock formation during night time

Huge cave systems can be found near Waitomo, a hamlet on the North Island of New Zealand. Since millions of glow worms illuminate the caves, this late 19th-century public attraction has provided a mystical experience.

5.Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes

Jeju, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a volcanic island with coastal cliffs and lava tunnels called Geomunorium. Accessible by boat or by air, the island is located on the southern coast of South Korea.

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