The Equal Sign Is Suddenly Being Rethought by Mathematicians

The Equal Sign Is Suddenly Being Rethought by Mathematicians

Mathematician Kevin Buzzard is struggling with a straightforward concept from coding that turns into a “thornier concept” when translated into math in a new preprint paper. To put this in context, the paper is not peer reviewed and is more of an editorial or collection of observations than a theory or study. What does the equal sign actually mean? What does it not mean, then?

Buzzard has gained notoriety for his attempts to convert famous mathematical proofs—such as Fermat’s Last Theorem—into computer-verifiable code. As a mathematician with classical training, the world of computer code contains some surprises for him.

Different types of equal exist in coding, and correct coding requires working through some of the processes that the human mind tends to skip when performing math. Buzzard stated, “Some sort of ‘processing’ has taken place; the one-character string ‘4’ output by the system, for example, is not equal to the three-character string ‘2 + 2,’ typed into a computer algebra. system.”

Before any “keyboard warriors” start trying to notify the world that this is overcomplicating things or somehow harming tradition, it’s crucial to note that just because something is an edge case, that doesn’t mean it isn’t significant and worth discussing.

In fact, there are a number of subtleties in this discussion: should terms that you’ve rounded up or down be included in the same equal sign? If we assume that there has been time passing between one side and the other (as in the case of two chickens ultimately becoming three), does that mean that the equal sign covers all the bases?

This has nothing to do with redefining anything in mathematics; rather, it has to do with intention and precision.

Equal Sign

Firmly but Flexibly Typed

In terms of being “precise and intentional,” Buzzard feels that the meaning of the equal sign is lacking. In fact, he uses the crucial word “loose” to characterize the symbol’s current state in his work. “In actuality, we apply the concept of equality rather loosely, depending more on a deep intuitive understanding than on the logical framework that some of us think we are operating within.” Steps in his selected proof verifier software, the Lean system, need to be defined far more precisely.

There are more stages involved in an equation than what meets the eye, both in our thoughts and the “minds” of the computers we’ve programmed. It all depends on how we organize them. A subset of computer languages, referred to as “strongly typed” languages, demand that you define variables. For instance, a “x” may be an integer, a long decimal number, or a password—a string of various symbols. A “type” is assigned to each of those categories, and it is kept in storage alongside the variable’s value. The coding language prevents you from trying to equate two variables of different types or perform mathematical operations.

“Type” is more contextual in some other languages ​​(referred to as “loosely typed” languages) and in the majority of real-world mathematical activities. Rather than verifying the designated type, the language determines if the contents of the variable can answer the given mathematical query. Upon examining Buzzard’s example, 2+2=4, we mentally convert the text 2+2 into the integer 4. The integers that are now present on both sides of the equal sign can then be compared.

You’re right if it sounds like overthinking; but, because of how intuitive and context-adaptive the human mind is, we can accomplish most tasks almost entirely without thinking at all. However, the study of arithmetic is abstract, and the study of computer programming is maybe even more so.

Converting human-written math proofs into all of the algorithmic steps needed to code them using a computer is Buzzard’s career project. The machines we rely on to solve complex issues require a lot more direction than our adaptable human minds.

That entails doing each and every step.

Return to Equitable Mathematics

Buzzard utilizes mathematician Alexander Grothendieck as an example in his paper. Mathematical luminary Grothendieck established many fundamental concepts in algebraic geometry during the 20th century. Arguably, his reputation was established through his work in “loosely typed” mathematics; After all, algebraic geometry synthesizes concepts from seemingly disparate fields, such as plots in geometry and sets in abstract algebra.

Buzzard identifies a particular instance in which Grothendieck asks his fellow mathematicians to clarify when he employs a brand-new phrase, “canonically isomorphic,” to describe a novel form of equality. “Lean would obstinately point out any instances where this equality was employed and remind Grothendieck that it just isn’t true. To reiterate, Grothendieck knew exactly what he was saying, but Lean would contend that he was unclear = and… Buzzard clarified .

The congruence sign, which denotes that two sets of points form the exact same shape with the exact same size, is the latter of those two symbols.

There are numerous variations of concepts such as equality and congruence when exploring the complete set of Unicode symbols, which encompasses almost all of the extended character set that can be shown on a computer.

Take a look at how the “toothpaste” is arranged on top to see how even ≌ and ≅ are different.
Buzzard comes to the conclusion that there are a lot of skips or “holes” (like Grothendieck’s) in arithmetic that need to be filled if the subject is to be “formalized”—that is, if it is to be seamlessly reduced to the tiny individual steps represented by code and formal proofs. He only says that the job has not been broken down into all of the necessary phases yet, not that any of this work is incorrect.

Closing these gaps with code can benefit those developing software libraries for Lean. If applied properly, lean can ultimately lead to improvements in mathematics since proofs of increasingly complicated math only get longer and longer. Furthermore, mathematicians are increasingly more likely than Grothendieck to conduct routine cross-subfield comparisons, which emphasizes the need to formalize these comparisons for the benefit of all parties.

And that’s exactly what Buzzard wants to start setting the foundation for. “A helpful tactic is to misuse the equality symbol and interpret it in a way that is not accurate; this can lead the reader to believe that nothing needs to be verified,” Buzzard said. It’s probably a good idea to be as certain as possible about what equals what, especially because mathematicians are still tipping the scales with 100+ page proofs that even their peers can’t decipher.

read also: Researchers in Mathematics Found Something Amazing About the Number 15

Mathematicians Are Suddenly Rethinking the Equal Sign (

Equal Sign Equal Sign Equal Sign Equal Sign Equal Sign Equal Sign

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