The 6 Types Of Women Who Are Most Likely To Cheat

The 6 Types Of Women Who Are Most Likely To Cheat

The 6 Types Of Women Who Are Most Likely To Cheat

Women who require approval from others

Naturally, women who have low self-esteem would depend much more on outside approval than confident, self-assured women who feel good about themselves. Because they will constantly be chasing the dopamine rush of being made to feel like they’re hot, desirable, and that they still “got it,” women who have always relied their sense of value on the attention they receive from men are more prone to cheat. It won’t take long for them to start hunting for their relationship’s rush somewhere else once their current one wanes. Should another man intervene and transform me into Kim Kardashian,

The miserable person who is stuck

The best course of action when a relationship isn’t working out is to just walk away. Many women, nevertheless, might believe that this is not possible. Perhaps they have nowhere else to live or are financially dependent on their partners and cannot afford to move away. It’s possible that they believe it would be horrible to split up the family because they have children. For whatever reason, individuals may cheat if they are unhappy and don’t think there is a way out, especially if the person they are cheating with provides them with emotional support and a means out of their unpleasant home life.

The deluded romantics

This one is a little odd because, according to popular belief, hopeless romantics aren’t generally devoted monogamists. It may sound corny, but many relationships eventually lose their luster and turn into habits rather than sources of passion. Many women will be looking elsewhere for that romance when the first feeling of “Prince Charming come to sweep me off my feet” fades and becomes nothing more than a distant memory. They will be more receptive to a guy who starts wooing them since they almost feel helpless to halt such a strong emotional reaction.

Materialistic females

There is undoubtedly a segment of women who are driven only by money, and I hate to call them out among my fellow women. They are seeking a financially secure partner who can support them and provide them the lifestyle they feel they deserve. This way of life typically includes regular luxury item gifts, a kind of “allowance” (or unrestricted use of his credit card), etc. She may cheat to advance if their current spouse isn’t giving her that or if another man can elevate her even further. Even though it’s an extremely bad and superficial thing to do, it does occasionally occur.

The ones seeking retribution

Although some relationships can endure infidelity, in general, the potential of long-term success as a pair is pretty much eliminated once one partner cheats. It’s almost impossible to restore trust after it’s been damaged, especially because you’ll always have that pesky thought in the back of your mind, “What if they do it again?” But, some women may cheat as a kind of retaliation because they don’t want to deal with a breakup or feel like their partners have betrayed them. They believe that if they share a bed with someone else, they will become “even” and be able to proceed on equal footing. It goes without saying that things are never that way, but you can’t tell them that.

Women who are quickly bored

Some women (and men!) struggle to maintain long-term commitment in their relationships. After the honeymoon phase ends, they begin to fantasize about all the individuals they could be with but aren’t because of their current relationship. They tend to be relationship disasters due to their “grass is greener” mentality, but it doesn’t stop them from making bad choices like cheating. They are instantly drawn to someone who brings that thrill and novelty and don’t give it any thought as to how it will affect their relationships. Unfortunately, despite being cruel and short-sighted, this kind of selfish action still occurs.

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The 6 Types Of Women Who Are Most Likely To Cheat The 6 Types Of Women Who Are Most Likely To Cheat The 6 Types Of Women Who Are Most Likely To Cheat The 6 Types Of Women Who Are Most Likely To Cheat

The 6 Types Of Women Who Are Most Likely To Cheat The 6 Types Of Women Who Are Most Likely To Cheat The 6 Types Of Women Who Are Most Likely To Cheat The 6 Types Of Women Who Are Most Likely To Cheat

These Are The 6 Types Of Women Most Likely To Cheat (

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