China panics: As a warning, the navy simultaneously displays 3 missile submarines.

black ship on sea under gray sky during daytime

Summary and Main Ideas: Given how historically action-packed the past 12 years have been, 2010 feels like a different period. Since then there have been global pandemics, economic collapses, populist revolutions and major geopolitical events. In 2010, when Obama signed “Obamacare”, US troops remained in Afghanistan and Iraq. China, however, was becoming a major power … Read more

Biggest and Baddest Gas Brands: 8 Bad Decision Can Ruin Your Vehicle

a close up of a person holding a gas pump

When it comes to fueling our vehicles, the choice of gasoline brand plays a decisive role in determining the longevity and performance of our engines. As we navigate the myriad options available, it’s important to understand why some gas is superior to others and be aware of the disadvantages associated with certain brands. This comprehensive … Read more