Preserve Your Rhubarb’s Radiance: Optimal Freezer Storage Techniques

person holding red and yellow strap

Rhubarb can be used in both sweet and savory recipes, whether you want to classify it as a fruit (because it’s often used in desserts) or a vegetable (because it looks similar). Unfortunately, if left on the countertop, it will only last a few days due to its high perishability. So, the refrigerator is a … Read more

These 12 Ingenious Pillowcase Uses Before You’ll Wish You Knew.

assorted-color pillows

Use a pillowcase to keep matching bedding together Your overnight guests are eager to get into bed, but the bed isn’t ready. You rush to the linen closet, only there are no matching sheets. Next time take off your underwear. Before putting fresh clean and folded sheets in the closet, place them in a matching … Read more

7 Self-Checkout Secrets Grocery Store Clerks Want You To Know

person standing between shelvings

Self-checkout kiosks reduce the need for grocery store cashiers, but they still require guards to monitor patrons. If you’ve ever needed to be rescued by a machine because you did something you didn’t like, keep reading to learn how to leave the grocery store without contacting the attendant. They will appreciate it. Are you making … Read more

5 collect basil to ensure a constant source of fresh herbs

green vegeatables

An excellent addition to any kitchen garden is fresh basil. It tastes great, requires little maintenance, and has a pleasant scent that repels common garden pests like mites and aphids. One way to keep this plant productive in your yard (or on your windowsill) is to prune it. Regularly cutting back the leaves or stems … Read more