Side effects of Frequent hair Coloring 2024

Hair color is a common way for people to express their style and improve their appearance. To cover gray hair, try out different shades or simply improve their appearance, many people use hair coloring as part of their regular routine. On the other hand, people should be aware of the potential side effects of frequent … Read more

Side Effects of Coffee

When consuming caffeine, people may experience a number of temporary negative effects. The adverse effects of caffeine are usually worsened by excessive caffeine consumption. Typically, this requires drinking more than 400 mg or four to five cups of coffee per day. But this can vary based on the individual and how much caffeine they consume … Read more

Applying Mehndi on hair and its side effects

For ages, people have used Mehndi, also known as henna, as a natural hair dye, conditioner, and colorant. Its appeal lies in its ability to impart deep reddish-brown color and conditioning properties to hair. Using mehndi, like any other hair treatment, can have adverse effects, especially if done incorrectly or with certain sensitivities. These potential … Read more