Do marigolds deter insects? How to repel pests with these aromatic plants

orange flowers with green leaves

Gardeners consider marigolds (Tagetes) to be a highly valued plant. Besides coming in a variety of sizes and vibrant colors, they are known for their ability to repel a wide range of garden pests. Since marigolds are so good at keeping bugs and insects away, I planted them where I was working. I planted marigolds … Read more

Marigold Missteps: 1 Common Mistake You Can Make With Your Plants

orange flowers with green leaves

For many reasons, marigolds, also known as tagets, are common garden staples. In addition to adding color and vibrancy to any landscape, these hardy plants are renowned for their ability to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions. Marigolds not only look great, but they also provide an organic means of keeping pests such … Read more

Vastu suggests these 10 exquisite blooming plants.

For aesthetic reasons alone, a lot of individuals like having flowering plants in their home garden or balcony. What if, however, some of these exquisite flowers were also Vastu-recommended? Here is a list of ten lovely flowers that Vastu experts also suggest. Beautiful Plants suggests by Vastu Jasmine The most well-known flowering plant that Vastu … Read more