Your orchid will live longer if you use this simple 4 trick

blue and white flowers in tilt shift lens

Orchids are among the most difficult indoor houseplants, to maintain. They make ideal gifts or impulse buys because of their spectacular flowers and exuberant personalities, but maintaining their happiness requires some skill. A succulent or ZZ plant allows you to check on the orchid more often than placing it on the windowsill and call it … Read more

Avoid 1 Mistaking Phlox for This Invasive Weed (And How to Handle It)

pink flowers in tilt shift lens

A wild shrub with spiky showy flowers, it is usually the first plant gardeners notice growing in stands of vivid purple flowers along roadsides or in gardens. Unfortunately, a shrub with spiky showy flowers can be mistaken for Dame’s Rocket (Hesperis matronalis), a deceptive invasive plant. However, there’s a solid reason why flower enthusiasts are … Read more

How to Apply Epsom Salts to Plants for Healthier, More Colorful Flowers

white sand on beach during daytime

A useful addition to enhance flower color and promote healthy blooms is Epsom salt for plants. Sulfur and magnesium are two important elements in this natural solution that promote plant health and growth. Epsom salt, when dissolved in water and mixed into soil, increases the efficiency with which plants absorb essential nutrients, resulting in more … Read more

4 Fascinating Reasons to Avoid Mothballs to Repel Mice and Bugs

white baseball on brown dried grass

Numerous household items have many uses. For example, dishwashing detergent is often used in plant maintenance to get rid of insects. However, Deadly Mothball is an insecticide product that should not be used in any way unless directed by the label. Although many people consider small balls to be harmless, they can be dangerous to … Read more

5 collect basil to ensure a constant source of fresh herbs

green vegeatables

An excellent addition to any kitchen garden is fresh basil. It tastes great, requires little maintenance, and has a pleasant scent that repels common garden pests like mites and aphids. One way to keep this plant productive in your yard (or on your windowsill) is to prune it. Regularly cutting back the leaves or stems … Read more

Which fertilizer is suitable for potted flowers? Professional 5 advice for the largest container plant display

man in red polo shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on brown wooden bench during daytime

Potted flowering plants add vibrant color to any small or urban area, enlivening a deck, yard, or balcony with beautiful blooms, texture, and fragrance. For the maximum bloom display, fertilizing flowers grown in pots is essential. Using fertilizers for flowersthroughout the season offers plants a helpful dosage of nutrients to keep them healthy and functioning. This … Read more

Prevent Tick Infestations: 5 Powerhouse Plants for Your Yard

brown spider on green leaf

Tick bites can be particularly harmful in the fall, although they are active year-round. This is due to the fact that when the temperature cools and the leaves put on their most spectacular display of the year, people are more inclined to go out for a walk in the park or a trip to the … Read more

Avoid Basil Harvesting Mistakes Use these 5 tips to properly harvest the herb without endangering your plants

green potted plants on brown wooden seat

If you’ve ever tasted the bright, fresh flavor of basil in a rich pesto pasta dish or a refreshing caprese salad, you already know the culinary magic this herb can work. But if you want to maintain this fascination and the health of your basil plant, it is important to understand the technique of collecting … Read more

5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Slugs in Your Garden

brown snail on gray concrete floor

Slugs in moderation can enrich your garden soil with nutrients and help break down organic matter. On the other hand, slugs can cause significant damage to your plants if they overgrow your garden. Slugs eat ornamentals, fruits, vegetables and flowers, which can harm your plants. Diseases can also be transmitted to plants by slugs. Luckily, … Read more

Using a basic Banana there is 2 key to healthy tomato plants

yellow banana fruit on brown wooden chopping board

Despite their best efforts, many gardeners find it difficult to grow strong tomato plants. An important factor in growing delicious tomatoes is getting them the right nutrients and creating the right growing environment. Fortunately, there is a really handy fruit balance that can be helpful. The secret to bananas’ ability to support the growth of … Read more