Despite not being an actual planet, Pluto does have a sizable ocean.

By delving further into Pluto’s secrets, astronomers are uncovering convincing evidence of a massive ocean of liquid water concealed beneath the ice surface of the dwarf planet. What’s under the ice in the ocean? This new research was led by Alex Nguyen, a graduate student at Washington University in St. Louis studying Earth, environmental, and … Read more

According to a recent study, the lost planet Theia is hidden inside Earth 2024.

The lost planet Theia is hidden inside Earth. Theia Scientists have unearthed strange stuff deep within the Earth that appears to be the remnants of an ancient planet that collided with Earth billions of years ago. Large low-velocity provinces (LLVPs) are blobs of odd material that were initially identified in the 1980s by geophysicists, who … Read more