Pickle Juice Preservation: 5 Reasons to Avoid Pouring it Down the Sink

a glass cup on a table

Why You Should Reuse Pickle Juice Reusing pickle juice has many benefits other than just going to waste. In fact, there are many benefits to your own health. However, a lot depends on the pickles you have. The health benefits of traditionally prepared pickles differ from those of some store-bought varieties. What you want to … Read more

How to Apply Epsom Salts to Plants for Healthier, More Colorful Flowers

white sand on beach during daytime

A useful addition to enhance flower color and promote healthy blooms is Epsom salt for plants. Sulfur and magnesium are two important elements in this natural solution that promote plant health and growth. Epsom salt, when dissolved in water and mixed into soil, increases the efficiency with which plants absorb essential nutrients, resulting in more … Read more

5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Slugs in Your Garden

brown snail on gray concrete floor

Slugs in moderation can enrich your garden soil with nutrients and help break down organic matter. On the other hand, slugs can cause significant damage to your plants if they overgrow your garden. Slugs eat ornamentals, fruits, vegetables and flowers, which can harm your plants. Diseases can also be transmitted to plants by slugs. Luckily, … Read more

Using a basic Banana there is 2 key to healthy tomato plants

yellow banana fruit on brown wooden chopping board

Despite their best efforts, many gardeners find it difficult to grow strong tomato plants. An important factor in growing delicious tomatoes is getting them the right nutrients and creating the right growing environment. Fortunately, there is a really handy fruit balance that can be helpful. The secret to bananas’ ability to support the growth of … Read more