5 collect basil to ensure a constant source of fresh herbs

green vegeatables

An excellent addition to any kitchen garden is fresh basil. It tastes great, requires little maintenance, and has a pleasant scent that repels common garden pests like mites and aphids. One way to keep this plant productive in your yard (or on your windowsill) is to prune it. Regularly cutting back the leaves or stems … Read more

9 Gorgeous Landscaping Ideas to Give Your Home a More Luxury Look

brown and red house near trees

Just like a well-organized interior, a well-maintained garden makes a pleasant place to de-stress. However, you might wonder what makes the landscape feel grand, lofty and friendly. There’s more to your garden than packing it with fragrant flowers, hardy perennials, and eye-catching annuals—it’s the subtle details that, while not apparent at first, come together to … Read more

Unlocking Performance: The 12 Positive Truth About Synthetic Oil Changes and Their Optimum Frequency

two brown spray bottles on brown table

Because of its sophisticated composition, resistance to higher temperatures, and slower breakdown than conventional oil, synthetic oil generally requires fewer changes than conventional oil. Conventional wisdom has always said that oil changes should be done every 3,000 miles; However, many contemporary cars can go up to 10,000 miles—or even more—between synthetic oil changes, depending on … Read more