Wall Street Likes: June 2024: Three gorgeous seven reserves with strong shopping rating

low angle view high rise buildings

The biggest technical business through the market wearing a magnificent 7 shares is still doing better than the market. Even Laggard, Apple Pal (NASSDAC: AAPL) has increased its stock price in recent weeks. This group of mega-cap tech stock has been alone for the larger part of the stock market progress in the last 18 … Read more

June 2024: 3 Tech Stocks for the Coming Bull Run

person using MacBook Pro

The stock market has reached record highs due to the IT sector. Top holdings in the S&P 500 include many IT businesses. The Magnificent Seven holds most of its equities in IT companies and also has an ETF that tracks the Nasdaq Composite and the S&P 500. The Roundhill Magnificent Seven ETF (NASDAQ:MAGS), an investment … Read more