It’s time to sell F-35 fighters to India

Summary and Main Idea: India, the world’s largest democracy and fifth largest economy, is under threat from a nuclear-armed Pakistan and a hostile China. Developing fifth-generation fighter jets is part of its military modernization drive, although domestic efforts have slowed. India would prefer to have the American F-35, but the acquisition of the Russian S-400 … Read more

Fury over the murder plot subsides as Modi takes the stage at G-7

Fury over the murder plot subsides as Modi takes the stage at G-7 Seizing an opportunity, Narendra Modi ended his diplomatic imprisonment with the United States and Canada. The Indian prime leader was battered by the unsatisfactory election results and was up against criticism over two alleged government-sponsored assassination plots when he came at the … Read more

A Piece of the Big Bang Theory That Was Missing Has Turned Up 2024

a black hole with a blue ring around it

A Piece of the Big Bang Theory That Was Missing Has Turned Up Scientists from the University of Hyderabad in India claim to have solved one of the largest unsolved mysteries of the cosmos in a study that was released earlier this year. Scientists have employed the “Hubble constant” in calculations on almost every scale … Read more

Unexpectedly, a Lost Forest That Dates Back 22 Million Years Has Resurfaced

Lost Forest That Dates Back 22 Million Years Has Resurfaced The petrified, and till unidentified to science, Sonneratioxylon barrocoloradoensis mangrove species allowed researchers investigating on Barro Colorado Island in the Panama Canal to reveal a previously lost ancient mangrove forest over 22 million years old.The 121 fossilized wood specimens found on the island are part … Read more

Top 10 Bikes in India: Honoring the best bikes in every category

black and white naked motorcycle

Are you curious about Top Ten bikes in India? Let’s quickly review the history of motorcycles in the country and the models that are in demand now. The first batch of motorcycles arrived in India from the British factory of the Royal Enfield Company. These strong, capable motorcycles were supplied from Britain to support the … Read more

Incredibles in India: 10 Amazing Places You Won’t Believe!

photo of Taj Mahal

You might have heard about the Taj Mahal, the Himalayan mountain range of India and other famous tourist spots spread across this huge country. However, there are some exceptional locations that offer some of the most spectacular views; For many, it will be difficult to accept that these places exist in India. If you are … Read more

India’s Hidden Gems Unveiled: Top 5 Undiscovered Tourist Destinations

brown painted mosque during daytime

If summer comes let’s think of Rishikesh or Shimla. If it’s winter, let’s visit the Rann of Kutch or Jaipur. We frequently follow this policy when organizing our seasonal tour. We have already seen most of these places, and even though they are amazing, there is no point in going there again and again, right? … Read more

Spiritual Journey : Top 12 Religious Places in India

man in brown shirt and pants standing on gray concrete floor

India is a country rich in spiritual and cultural heritage and Hindus from all walks of life revere its many holy places. These holy places, which attract millions of pilgrims and seekers every year, range from the tranquil coasts of the south to the snow-capped Himalayas. They serve as pillars of faith and devotion. Top … Read more

Travel Wish List: 10 Amazing Places In India

brown concrete building under white sky during daytime

Enjoy exquisite Indian tapestries These travel destinations are more than just destinations; They are pieces of the intricate fabric of India. These diverse places have stories to tell and experiences to create, whether you’re looking for adventure, spiritual enlightenment or a chance to encounter history. Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh Experience the sacred vibrations of Ayodhya, where … Read more