4 Alternative Foods for Hummingbirds Besides Sugar Water

hummingbird near flower

Hummingbirds are fast flying animals. They can beat their heart up to 1,260 beats per minute and their wings beat 80 times per second. They have quick circulatory systems and wings, but they also have other quick features. Hummingbirds have the fastest metabolism of all living things. They actually have metabolisms that are 100 times … Read more

Hummingbird Haven: Chocolate-Scented Flowers to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden

blue and green bird on top of brown branch during daytime

There is a sense of enchantment when a hummingbird visits. Watching these little guys fly across your lawn is nothing short of seeing fairies. Their vivid colors and explosive movements make them thrilling to watch in action—especially since they’re not guaranteed to appear in every garden. One of the biggest ways to attract more hummingbirds … Read more