Why researchers think that early humans might have been vegans ? 2024

Researchers think that early humans might have been vegans According to a recent study, cavemen may have been vegans for extended periods. Traditionally, images of early people show them consuming large portions of meat. However, new research indicates that a “significant” portion of the diet of North African cave dwellers thousands of years ago consisted … Read more

According to a study, just 1,280 nearly extinct humans are responsible for your existence.

a display of human skeleton models in a store

1,280 nearly extinct humans are responsible for your existence. In a recent study, a team of scientists claimed that there had been a “severe bottleneck” in the humans population chain, one that had nearly wiped out the human race 930,000 years ago when there were just 1,280 breeding individuals left. The study was published in … Read more

Researchers have found out why humans no longer have tails 2024.

a skeleton hanging from a tree with blue hair

Why humans no longer have tails has been revealed by scientists. We lost our tails because of an evolutionary split that happened between monkeys and our ancestors, the ape and human progenitors, some 25 million years ago. But up until today, the genetic mutation that caused this profound change has remained elusive.The elimination of ancestral … Read more