Here’s how to use a handy can of WD-40 to keep mice and rats out of your home

brown mouse on green grass

If you find signs of mice or rats in the garage, you may already have a plan in place to get rid of them. Because of its strong odor, WD-40, a type of automotive lubricant, rust remover, and degreaser, is also an easy-to-use rodent deterrent. The next time you see mice or rats scurrying around … Read more

8 Paint Colors That Designers Say Make Your Home Look More Expensive

yellow orange and blue textile

There are many explanations why someone might want their home to look more expensive. Maybe they want to make their surroundings more prosperous or maybe they want to sell their property soon. Paint color is a great way to make your interior look more expensive without going over budget, and there are some color combinations … Read more

Remove Earwigs Easily: Your 4 Ultimate Guide to a Bug-Free Home!

brown and black butterflies on green leaves

With their quick, hasty escape and their strange tail pincers, earwigs can look like the stuff of absolute nightmares when they’re detected. However, many people prefer to get rid of visible earwigs as soon as possible, even though they are usually harmless if found in your home and won’t sink into your ears while you … Read more

Stay Safe: 10 Essential Tips for Spotting Hidden Cameras in Vacation Homes or Hotels

black DSLR camera

Privacy is a right, not a desire. However, protecting this right becomes more difficult as surveillance technology evolves and becomes more affordable. Tourists are especially at risk; Anecdotes of hidden cameras in private residences have raised fears. This has increased the need for practical ways to protect personal privacy. As a result, we’ve put together … Read more

Banish Ticks for Good: Harness the Power of Nature to Clean Up Your Lawn!

brown spider on green leaf

Effective tick management is essential whether you have children, pets, or both at home. But the fight against ticks doesn’t end when you leave the house. Because of their extraordinary adaptability, these arachnids can find their way into your home by traveling with your pets or perhaps even attaching themselves to you. Therefore, tick prevention … Read more

Feng Shui 11 advice to enhance every room in your home

a living room filled with furniture and a large window

Feng Shui advice to enhance every room in your home The Front Porch The front porch has special significance in terms of Feng Shui. After all, it is the starting “room” of the house! A door in particular attracts good energy into the house. For optimal energy flow, it’s also important to keep the front … Read more