Is it healthy to eat sprouts raw or boiled?

black ceramic bowl with vegetable salad

Because of their high fiber content, sprouts can lower blood sugar levels after a meal. [Source: Unsplash] Remember when your mother forced you to eat sprouts when you were little? Well, you are older and times have changed. Either you are an adult who cares about their health or you still need to eat sprouts. … Read more

Korean lifestyle habits that will keep you looking vibrant and youthful

woman soaked in water

Korean habits with a healthy Korean culture promote general wellness and a youthful appearance in a society that places great emphasis on beauty and energy. Famous for their bright colors and incredible vitality, Koreans have developed lifestyle routines that support their general health. The Korean customs listed below will help you stay young and active: … Read more

Why are so many children facing mental health difficulty these days?

13-year-old Anjali had always gotten excellent grades, but she had already been expelled from two schools. She has missed the last 1.5 years of school due to her refusal to attend a new school and frequent tantrums. Her previous schools reported that she misbehaved with both staff and students. After a few therapy sessions, Anjali’s … Read more

Best ways to eat nuts, which have the highest protein content

variety of assorted-color beans

Are you trying to up your protein intake and looking for a crunchy snack? Nuts may be the answer you’ve been looking for! Nuts are rich in protein and other nutrients and are delicious as well as highly nutritious. In this episode, we’ll talk about some of the healthiest ways to include nuts in your … Read more

What happens to your Health when you consume chia seeds every day?

Chia seeds are about 2 millimeters (0.08 in) in diameter and are oval, gray, and black and white in color. Because the seeds are hygroscopic, when they are soaked they absorb up to 12 times their weight in liquid and form a mucilaginous coating that gives chia-based dishes and drinks a unique gel texture. For … Read more

You should do 5 yoga poses daily to improve your general health

woman exercising indoors

Yoga For optimal effect, regular yoga practice is essential. Yoga is a fantastic form of exercise for general health as it not only keeps the body strong and active but also helps people living a sedentary lifestyle feel happier and more relaxed. It’s not us; Experts also emphasize this. “Yoga is a lifestyle, not just … Read more

15 bad hygiene habits that can actually make you sick


Small mistakes can cause big problems The world can be a very gross place. There is dirt, germs, viruses, bacteria, microscopic particles and much more. And let’s not forget the three years we spent battling Covid. The point is, we know proper hygiene to keep ourselves as safe and clean as possible, especially now. But … Read more

29 easy methods to calm your anxiety

anxiousness woman's hand on face

29 simple ways to reduce your anxiety Anxiety disorders, which afflict 40 million people in the United States, are the most prevalent mental ailment today. Both physiologically (fast heartbeat, shaking, cold sweats, dizziness, and a feeling of suffocation) and psychologically (insecurity, preoccupation, and negative thought patterns) are signs of anxiety. What is the most effective … Read more

What happens to the body when you go a month without drinking milk?

person pours milk into glass

Is it a good idea to stop drinking milk? Is it a good idea to stop drinking milk?Milk is an important part of many people’s diets, particularly in Indian culture, where it is used in a variety of recipes. Its versatility makes it an essential component in a wide range of culinary creations. However, it … Read more