Why It’s Important to Peel Off Fruit Stickers Carefully 2024

Your bounty of juicy, delectable fruits from a typical supermarket will all have the same decoration—the dreadful fruit sticker. You’ll notice those ubiquitous stickers whether you’re buying fresh oranges for the week or bulking up on apples for baking. These little plastic bits, which are adhered to individual fruit pieces, have a price lookup code … Read more

The 5 fruits with the highest protein content, ranked

red apple fruit beside green apple and yellow fruit on brown woven basket

Dietitian Emily Lachtrup, MS, RD, provided the review.Right now, protein is very popular and for good reason. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, protein is essential for the immune system and muscle function, blood clotting, and tissue development and repair. Additionally, a high-protein eating plan can help you reach your weight loss goals. … Read more

Lemons and Their Health Benefits 2024

Lemon Photo on Person's Thigh

Lemons are a healthy citrus fruit that are high in nutrients. They are a great source of vitamin C, which helps strengthen your immune system, lower your risk of cancer and heart disease, and help you maintain a healthy weight. This article discusses who should think about avoiding lemons, their potential health benefits, and their … Read more

Advice before buying cherries

red cherry fruits

For good reason, cherries are a perennial favorite among fruit enthusiasts. They are juicy, sweet and delicious at their peak. But you can also buy unsatisfactory cherries. When buying them, it’s important to know what to look for because they can be underripe and mushy or overripe and damaged. Getting rotten cherries is even more … Read more

5 of the weirdest-looking fruits you’ve ever seen

sliced orange fruit and green round fruits

Horned melon, also known as kiwano, has a prickly orange skin and lime-green, jelly-like flesh; Dragon fruit has a bright pink or yellow exterior with strange, flame-like scales and a mottled, white or red flesh inside; The Buddha’s hand looks like several yellow lemon fingers extending from a central base; Rambutans have soft, hair-like spines … Read more

This pineapple slicing technique by Ree Drummond is honestly brilliant

sliced yellow fruit on white ceramic plate

When Rhea Drummond aka The Pioneer Woman uploaded an Instagram video of herself cutting a pineapple, her devoted followers took notice. There was an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response with many people commenting that they too do it the same way she does. Cutting a whole pineapple can seem intimidating to someone who has never done it … Read more

Cantaloupe: How to Choose the Best in Easy Steps

a cut in half melon sitting on top of a white cloth

Strawberries, peaches and cherries abound in summer, but real experts realize that nothing compares to the allure of a perfectly ripe melon like cantaloupe. A cantaloupe slice should be tender, juicy, aromatic, sweet and flavorful when optimal. However, when cut, what appears to be a perfectly normal supermarket cantaloupe can sometimes appear underripe, with each … Read more

How to pick a sweet watermelon with your two fingers

a person cutting up a watermelon on a cutting board

Nothing compares to the disappointment of discovering that big, juicy watermelon you just bought is a bust. But you can use a quick method to pick the sweetest watermelon in the store, and it’s right there in front of you. You may be familiar with the “thumping trick,” which involves making ripe watermelons make a … Read more

Using a basic Banana there is 2 key to healthy tomato plants

yellow banana fruit on brown wooden chopping board

Despite their best efforts, many gardeners find it difficult to grow strong tomato plants. An important factor in growing delicious tomatoes is getting them the right nutrients and creating the right growing environment. Fortunately, there is a really handy fruit balance that can be helpful. The secret to bananas’ ability to support the growth of … Read more

Watermelon Wonder: The Easiest Way to Cut Watermelon Stems Without Any Mess!

watermelon close-up photography

You have picked the ripest watermelon and are excited to eat it because it is so delicious summer. Watermelon can be cut into large slices and eaten whole if you don’t mind the juice in your kitchen. For a less messy and easier way to eat fruit, consider making watermelon sticks. It’s easier to share or use … Read more