How much time can hard-boiled eggs be kept refrigerated?

egg, bisected egg, boiled egg

Since whole eggs have all nine essential amino acids—the building blocks of protein—dietitians frequently herald them as one of the planet’s most invigorating foods. It makes sense that you would want to have wholesome hard-boiled eggs on hand for salad dressings, quick sandwiches, and snacks. But what is the shelf life of hard-boiled eggs? This … Read more

Is buttercream frosting freezer-friendly?

Crop chef decorating delicious doughnuts with buttercream in house

There’s no reason to freak out if you bake cupcakes at home and find yourself with an excess of buttercream frosting. It is simple to freeze and will taste great months later. Is buttercream frosting freezer-friendly? Getting Ready You can freeze frosting by following these procedures, whether you have leftovers or are making it in … Read more