Eggshell: 12 use they never need to exit

2 yellow round fruit with white heart shaped

Every year, hens consume about 110 billion eggs in the United States alone. And with those eggs, we always finish with the eggs; Hundreds of and thousands of pounds are sharp, fracture and delicate pieces, most of them end in the trash. They don’t have to do! The eggs are biodigradeable and eventually they will … Read more

5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Slugs in Your Garden

brown snail on gray concrete floor

Slugs in moderation can enrich your garden soil with nutrients and help break down organic matter. On the other hand, slugs can cause significant damage to your plants if they overgrow your garden. Slugs eat ornamentals, fruits, vegetables and flowers, which can harm your plants. Diseases can also be transmitted to plants by slugs. Luckily, … Read more