Unexpected Benefits of Alcohol for You

people holding clear glass bottles during daytime

Unexpected Benefits of Alcohol for You Recognize Your Limitations Let’s be clear before you start a petition to replace the office water cooler with a beer keg: alcohol is only good in moderation. For women, that means no more than one drink per day (5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer, or 1.5 ounces … Read more

Alcohol consumption: A benefit-risk analysis

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Alcohol research points to a startling conclusion: consuming alcohol at any level is harmful to your health. Although the danger is minimal with modest use, it increases with increased alcohol consumption. Many people partake in alcohol as part of their cultural and religious customs, as a matter of personal desire, or during social events. The … Read more

The lowest-calorie, healthiest alcohol choices for a less bloated Celebration

man pouring drink

Each year, around 70% of adult Americans consume alcohol. Moderate alcohol use can have benefits even though it does have some unfavorable health effects. “It must be made clear that alcohol is poison. Therefore, we’re not attempting to argue that alcohol by itself is beneficial,” explains registered dietitian. “But research has shown that having a … Read more

Velvety Milkshake: An important step to enjoy smooth, velvety milkshakes every time

person holding clear drinking glass with white liquid

Whether you’re enjoying a strawberry milkshake at a restaurant or a chocolate milkshake from your local cafe, it’s hard to get a smooth order of this thick, silky sweet dessert. Making rich and creamy milkshakes at home may seem simple, but with a few clever tricks, you can elevate your homemade concoctions to the level … Read more

The Top 11 Nations in the World for Beer Production

beer, mug, refreshment

Regarding alcoholic drinks, beer ranks among the most widely consumed worldwide. In America, opening a beer can allow one to see their preferred football game. Alternatively, you may occasionally visit a bar and have a tasty brewski while conversing with friends. Although it’s a perennial American favorite, beer is enjoyed all around the world. Beer … Read more

Which Wine is the healthiest to consume? Sip some of this low-sugar alcoholic beverage.

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Wine is a ubiquitous presence in our lives, be it as a celebratory drink, a dinnertime companion, an accompaniment to little nibbles, or an essential part of the “wine mom culture.” Wine can also be a sophisticated differentiation; A sommelier’s palate differs from that of a college student who is a Moscato enthusiast. A 2019 … Read more