It looks like scientists may have figured out the mystery of dark matter. There is an unanticipated byproduct involved.

cluster of stars in the sky

The scientific world has been battling a serious issue for the past 50 years or so: the universe does not contain enough observable matter. According to NASA, five times as much matter must exist in the universe for the observations made by scientists to make sense. The universe’s behavior cannot be explained by the matter … Read more

A recent investigation has confirmed the existence of dark matter.

cluster of star illustration

Astrophysics has long relied on the existence of dark matter as a theory to explain observed abnormalities in the universe. In contrast to regular matter, dark matter is opaque and only discernible by its gravitational effects. It does not emit, absorb, or reflect light.A group of scientists, including those from the University of California, Irvine, … Read more