These are 15 cities that are too dangerous to live in and they’re not New York or Los Angeles.

pathway between high rise buildings

MoneyGeek has compiled an eye-catching list of the 15 cities with the highest crime rates per capita. These are areas where people’s lifestyles are affected by high costs and security. Read on to see which places you might hesitate to call home. 15 cities that are too dangerous to live in #15 Atlanta, GA With … Read more

The world’s most dangerous animal is roaming in America

The world’s deadliest animal is smaller than a pencil eraser The world’s deadliest animal is smaller than a pencil eraser and weighs about two-thousandths of a gram – less than the weight of a drop of rain. Every year, it kills an estimated 700,000 people, with what scientists sarcastically refer to as a “blood meal”. … Read more