How to Apply Epsom Salts to Plants for Healthier, More Colorful Flowers

white sand on beach during daytime

A useful addition to enhance flower color and promote healthy blooms is Epsom salt for plants. Sulfur and magnesium are two important elements in this natural solution that promote plant health and growth. Epsom salt, when dissolved in water and mixed into soil, increases the efficiency with which plants absorb essential nutrients, resulting in more … Read more

Wear these colorful clothes on your next outdoor adventure to avoid ticks

hanged top on brown and white clothes horse

Ticks pose a minor but serious threat to the peace and beauty of the natural environment. These pesky critters not only plague those who enjoy the outdoors, but also cause many illnesses, including Lyme disease. For those trekking or camping in tick-prone areas, precautions must be taken to avoid ticks (especially between May and July). … Read more