Prevent Tick Infestations: 5 Powerhouse Plants for Your Yard

brown spider on green leaf

Tick bites can be particularly harmful in the fall, although they are active year-round. This is due to the fact that when the temperature cools and the leaves put on their most spectacular display of the year, people are more inclined to go out for a walk in the park or a trip to the … Read more

Powerful 8 scent to repel cockroaches: Keep your home roach-free!

a close up of a bug on a rock

scents keep cockroaches away Oregano Oil In the field of cockroaches, essential oils naturally derived from herbs are well-known repellents. These bugs are overwhelmed by the powerful, pungent odor they emit. They work well to keep cockroaches at bay and are generally safe to use near surfaces used for food preparation. The National Institutes of … Read more