10 Best Bollywood Films with female leads to watch now

woman running on hallway

Bollywood films have long captivated audiences with their extravagant personalities, catchy soundtracks, and dramatic storylines. The stereotype of women in Indian cinema, on the other hand, is nothing new; women are frequently reduced to supporting roles that are only there to provide appearances during the hero’s trip. Fortunately, things are shifting, and a revolution in … Read more

5 Amazing Bollywood movies every woman should watch at least once

woman in black jacket sitting beside woman in white blazer

Bollywood has provided a window into the lives of strong, independent women over the years. These movies evoke social emotions and enthrall the audience with their compelling stories. These are some Bollywood movies that bold and confident women should not miss. 1. Angry Indian Goddesses (2015) – (IMDb Rating: 7.7) Starring Sarah-Jane Dias, Rajshree Deshpande … Read more