5 causes for the ineffectiveness of your blood pressure medicine

white and black digital device

5 causes for the ineffectiveness of your blood pressure medicine One of the best ways to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease is to maintain appropriate blood pressure. Thus, you do as directed, take your medicine as directed, and gladly accept your doctor’s recommendation when the blood pressure monitor continues to … Read more

Avoid this Mistakes when taking your blood pressure

One term for high blood pressure is the “silent killer.” An integral component of keeping an eye on your health is taking your blood pressure. For good reason, the majority of doctors and clinics take it at the start of each appointment! Although hypertension, the medical term for high blood pressure, usually shows no symptoms, … Read more

10 foods to avoid to reduce blood pressure

a doctor checking the blood pressure of a patient

Millions of people worldwide suffer from high blood pressure, commonly called hypertension. Changing your diet can have a big impact on managing your high blood pressure, although medication can also help. When you eat certain foods that raise blood pressure, you have a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. We have listed in this … Read more