An expert in psychology lists 5 hurtful expressions that “extremely selfish, entitled” people frequently use, along with advice on how to respond to them.

black haired man making face

To some extent, we are all innately self-centered. Finding a “healthy self” balance that enables you to be self-centered rather than self-absorbed. I have worked as a workplace psychology researcher for over 30 years, helping organizations manage highly autistic workers, particularly those whose actions may endanger their colleagues. Here are five toxic phrases highly selfish … Read more

By circumventing these 5 mistake, your parenting style can be the greatest.

person carrying baby while reading book

Being a parent is one of the most demanding and rewarding situations in life. Although there is no single parenting guidebook that works for everyone, there are times when parents make mistakes in raising their children. While these mistakes are inevitable during the learning process, recognizing and fixing them can make a huge difference in … Read more

7 Habits of Highly Successful People Around the World

We all want to live a prosperous and peaceful life, but the best way to achieve these goals is the million dollar problem because each person’s situation is unique. It is interesting to note that everyone who is successful has certain routines that they follow and find effective. There are many behaviors that can lead … Read more