Moles are attracted to your garden with these 5 amazing scents.

low-angle of mole on ground

Have you ever noticed fuzzy piles of earth growing overnight in your well-kept garden? That’s what moles are made of. These small, insect-eating creatures are famous for their ability to turn beautiful landscapes into tunnels and mounds of dirt. However, what attracts them to our gardens in the first place? Surprisingly, they are attracted to … Read more

Stink bugs : Entomologist 6 advice on getting rid of stink bugs

brown and white bug

As their name suggests, stink bugs have an unpleasant odor. These pests, however, can go unnoticed in your home: “Many go unnoticed until they accumulate in large numbers for an overwintering period, such as the brown marmorated stink bug, or when the summer heat dries out their food, such as the red and black bagrada … Read more