Unexpected Benefits of Alcohol for You

people holding clear glass bottles during daytime

Unexpected Benefits of Alcohol for You Recognize Your Limitations Let’s be clear before you start a petition to replace the office water cooler with a beer keg: alcohol is only good in moderation. For women, that means no more than one drink per day (5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer, or 1.5 ounces … Read more

Alcohol consumption: A benefit-risk analysis

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Alcohol research points to a startling conclusion: consuming alcohol at any level is harmful to your health. Although the danger is minimal with modest use, it increases with increased alcohol consumption. Many people partake in alcohol as part of their cultural and religious customs, as a matter of personal desire, or during social events. The … Read more

The lowest-calorie, healthiest alcohol choices for a less bloated Celebration

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Each year, around 70% of adult Americans consume alcohol. Moderate alcohol use can have benefits even though it does have some unfavorable health effects. “It must be made clear that alcohol is poison. Therefore, we’re not attempting to argue that alcohol by itself is beneficial,” explains registered dietitian. “But research has shown that having a … Read more

This is the amount of time that alcohol takes to exit your system.

photography of person holding glass bottles during sunset

You might be a little hungover, whether it’s because you had way too much Guinness yesterday, it was St. Patrick’s Day after all, or you had a special occasion this weekend and opened a big bottle of wine. When you’re not feeling well, you often want the situation to end and worry how long the … Read more

13 Things That Take Place When You Quit Alcohol

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Are you considering quitting alcohol? Perhaps you want to make the commitment to a healthy lifestyle or you are just inquiring about the possible advantages. Whatever the reason, get comfortable! This list explores 13 unexpected events that may occur when you say goodbye to alcohol. Prepare yourself to experience the great changes that are in … Read more

alcohol affect to your brain takes only six minutes ?

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Did you know it only takes six minutes for alcohol to affect your brain? Just one drink can go to your head quickly. Researchers from Heidelberg put this well-known adage to the test. In just six minutes after consuming alcohol equivalent to three glasses of beer or two glasses of wine, Just six minutes after … Read more