Researchers have determined the oldest age at which a person can survive 2024.

two women and man walking in the street during daytime

Researchers have determined the oldest age at which a person can survive. The Netherlands-conducted research indicates that a female’s maximum ceiling life span is 115.7 years. Even while it is slightly lower for men—114.1 years—that is still a very long time. Statisticians from Erasmus Universities in Rotterdam and Tilburg analyzed data from 75,000 deaths in … Read more

10 Relationship Guidelines You Can Ignore After 50

man and woman dancing at center of trees

There are certain Guidelines that you can break after you’ve been in a relationship for a while and turn 50. You have more time for yourself and your interests. These 20 relationship guidelines do not apply beyond 50 Individual Hobbies Especially when you get older and have your own interests that help define who you … Read more

By Your age, how much sleep is necessary?

person in black shirt lying on bed

Sleep is essential for both the body and mind to function optimally, and is critical for feeling rested afterward. Sleep is a critical time for the body’s cellular growth, healing and maintenance processes. Both are essential for overall physical health and for the immune system to function properly. Hormone release in response to sleep includes … Read more