Scientists claim to have discovered a way to reverse the aging process 2024.

Scientists claim to have discovered a way to reverse the aging process.

While billionaires like Bryan Johnson may invest millions to delay the inevitable process of aging, scientists believe they have discovered a means to halt the aging process.

The researchers, under the direction of Drs. Ádám Sturm and Tibor Vellai of Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary, have determined which precise DNA regions are responsible for aging.

These segments, referred to as “transposable elements” (TEs), are said to be mobile within our genetic code.

Aging may result from their excessive movement, which may upset the genetic code.

Fortunately, Sturm, Vellai, and associates have devised a method to assist in managing these troublesome TEs.

Actually, certain age-resistant cells already naturally engage in this process, which is known as the Piwi-piRNA pathway. Examples of these cells include cancer stem cells and Turritopsis dohrnii, the fabled “immortal jellyfish.”

After strengthening this channel in a worm, scientists in Budapest discovered that the worm lived thirty percent longer.

By doing this, Sturm and Vellai demonstrated that regulating TE activity might actually lengthen life expectancy, which is an intriguing possibility that may eventually prove advantageous to humans.

According to a statement from Sturm and his colleagues, a “statistically significant lifespan advantage” was observed as a result of the very straightforward act of increasing the Piwi-piRNA pathway elements or quieting down the TEs.

“Opens the door to a myriad of potential applications in the world of medicine and biology,” he added in reference to this.

The researchers employed methods to “downregulate,” or quiet down, TE activity in order to accomplish their study.

The individuals displayed indications of delayed aging when they applied this to particular TEs in the worms. Also, the effects of increasing lifetime were amplified when numerous TEs were addressed concurrently.
Furthermore, as these worms grew older, the researchers discovered epigenetic modifications—alterations in gene function—in the DNA of the TEs in particular.

Vellai highlighted that this discovery could have far-reaching consequences, saying that “this epigenetic modification may pave the way for a method to determine age from DNA, providing an accurate biological clock.”

In other words, scientists may soon discover ways to lengthen our lives and enhance our health in our later years by better understanding these DNA components and the systems that regulate them.

Eating your heart out, Bryan Johnson.

read also: Researchers have determined the oldest age at which a person can survive 2024.

Scientists say they’ve worked out how to stop the ageing process (

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