Pickle Juice Preservation: 5 Reasons to Avoid Pouring it Down the Sink

Pickle Juice

Why You Should Reuse Pickle Juice

Reusing pickle juice has many benefits other than just going to waste. In fact, there are many benefits to your own health. However, a lot depends on the pickles you have. The health benefits of traditionally prepared pickles differ from those of some store-bought varieties. What you want to get out of juice should guide what you buy. Here are some reasons why you might want to consider reusing your pickle juice.

It’s Hydrating

If you exercise for long periods of time in a hot area, drinking wateralone is not enough to replenish your fluids after exercise. At this point, many of us start drinking sports drinks. Unfortunately, many sports drinks are high in calories and sugar, which some people prefer to avoid. Downing a shot or two of pickle juice can get some potassium and salt back into your system. Before using pickle juice as a recovery drink, be sure to talk to your doctor if you’re on a low-sodium diet for any reason.

Help With Muscle Cramps

Most of us have experienced the excruciating pain of muscle cramps at least once or twice in our lives. These are not pleasant to say the least. Pickle juice is a great way to treat them. According to 2010 research, just one-third the juice of a pickle (1) can successfully relieve cramping muscles in less than two minutes.

It Soothes Upset Stomachs

For years, people have been using vinegar to soothe an upset stomach. The main ingredient in most store-bought pickles is vinegar. This suggests that drinking just a few ounces of pickle juice can reduce stomach pain. However, if you have a stomach ulcer, avoid using this approach. (2)

It May Ease A Hangover

You may be very dehydrated after a night on the town. You can replenish some much-needed electrolyte levels with pickle juice. Its salt level can make you feel more hydrated, which will make you drink more water. While it may not completely cure your hangover, it will at least make it easier to get over it. (3)

Pickle Juice Has Antioxidants and Some Nutrients

They’re not packed with nutrients, but they’re high in electrolytes, low in calories, and high in calcium and vitamin C. Additionally, fermented pickle juice contains some probiotics if you buy it. Again, be careful about the salt content as it can have negative effects. (3)

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  • For your post-workout recovery drink, mix a few ounces with water.
  • Add the juice anywhere you like the taste of pickles. Consider salads and their dressings, dishes like tuna or egg salad, and more.
  • Add a few spoons of pickle juice to curd, and it becomes an even more effective and nutritious option for your diet. An added benefit is that the curd will also mask the taste of the juice.
  • Use as a stand-alone marinade for your meat, fish or poultry or add to any marinade.

Are There Any Side Effects of Drinking Pickle Juice?

  • If you are on a low sodium diet for any reason, you should not consume pickle juice.
  • It is best to avoid drinking it if you have gout or if gout runs in your family as it can lead to uric acid build-up. (4) If you are taking any medications, talk to your pharmacist if the acidity of pickle juice interferes with their effectiveness.
  • To ensure optimal absorption of your prescription, you may need to wait a certain amount of time after taking it.

The Bottom Line

I don’t want to sit down and pour myself a big glass of pickle juice and I doubt you do either! Fortunately, pickle juice can be used in many delicious ways. Is pickle juice a panacea for health problems? Naturally, it isn’t; Nothing. Used properly and appropriately, it can be another healthy supplement to an already balanced diet. As mentioned earlier, if you have any health issues that require certain dietary guidelines or restrictions, see your doctor first. Pickle juice has no real negative effects, however it can make some pre-existing conditions worse.

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