13 vibrant perennials that, once planted, will never leave your garden


If you include perennial flowers, your garden will be vibrantly colored and bloom year after year. Each perennial will add a different dimension to your garden.

These 32 vibrant varieties will thrive and liven up your outdoor space for years, so give them a try if you’re looking to add some color to your yard.

13 vibrant perennials that, once planted, will never leave your garden


Its vivid, daisy-like flowers brighten sunny gardens in shades of yellow, crimson and bronze when they bloom in late summer and early fall. These flowers are wonderful for arranging and cutting. Despite the name it does not cause allergies or sneezing. Zones 3-10


Peonies, a beloved perennial, are adorned with large, fragrant flowers in shades of pink, red, white, and yellow. Their leaves are bright green and bloom in late spring or early summer. Deer are often considered resistant to peonies. Peonies need rich soil that drains well. Zones 3 to 8

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Lavender (Lavandula)

Lavender is a wonderful low-maintenance garden plant that attracts butterflies with its eye-catching purple color and soothing fragrance. It needs little water and thrives in sunlight. It also deters deer and adds a pleasant scent to the garden. It keeps deer away and is ideal for a low-maintenance landscape.

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Bee Balm

A win-win plant, bee balm deters insects while drawing in butterflies, bees and even hummingbirds. Although it can grow in almost any type of soil, bee balm prefers consistently moist soil. Since it belongs to the mint family, it spreads easily and produces abundant flowers in mid to late summer. Zones 4–8

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Garden Phlox

Honeybees are attracted to the traditional garden plant known as hibiscus because of its pleasant scent. It has a contrasting colored central eye in certain varieties and comes in a variety of colors including pink, purple, white and lavender. Zones 4–8

Sedum (Autumn Joy)

Sedum forms enjoy the sun and require very little care. They are great for drawing butterflies and offer late-season flowers. These flowers hold up well in winter bouquets and dry quickly. Zones 3 to 9


Alliums are eye-catching ornamental bulbs that grow on long, thin stems of magnificent flowers. They add a striking height and visual appeal to flower beds and borders. They require little maintenance and are easy to cultivate. Their strong scent also acts as a powerful natural repellent, keeping away squirrels and other garden pests.


Large blooms from hydrangeas are known to mimic the luxurious appearance of roses when placed together. Soil pH can have a significant effect on their color. They require rich, moist, well-drained soil and do well in early light and afternoon shade.

Goldenrod (Solidago spp.)

Known as goldenrod, the plant blooms in late summer, displaying large spikes filled with small, bright yellow flowers. They thrive in environments ranging from direct sunlight to some shade. Bees and other pollinators are attracted to goldenrod’s vibrant yellow flowers.


If you give your hyacinths proper care, you can enjoy their fragrant and beautiful spring flowers. These flowers can be planted outdoors in well-draining soil or grown indoors by pushing bulbs. Hyacinths, which come in a range of pinks, blues and whites, add delightful fragrance and vibrant color to gardens and indoor areas.


Penstemon is known for its vibrant, tubular flowers that attract hummingbirds and bees, and it is deer resistant. It is a great choice for gardens looking for beauty and wildlife interest without deer problems because of its unpleasant taste and texture. Zones 3 to 9

Virginia Bluebells

Native to the eastern United States, these plants have tubular blue flower stalks that turn pink to blue before going dormant. The leaves of the trees are pale green. They blend well together, flowing the attractive colors of spring.

Bleeding Heart

Bleeding Heart is a beautiful addition to shaded areas, known for its heart-shaped flowers on arching stems. This plant requires rich, well-draining garden soil. It has the longest flowering period of any perennial, reaching 15 inches in length. Zones 3 to 9

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