Ever wonder why men have nipples? Fascinating insights revealed by doctors


MOST NIPPLE CONVERSATIONS center on women. Think: breastfeeding or nipple slips. On the other hand, men’s nipples tend to be an afterthought, with some questioning why they even have them.

So why do men have nipples?

The reason has to do with embryology, or the study of development in the womb, says Stephen Kappa, M.D., a urologist and men’s sexual health expert at The Urology Group in Fairfield, Ohio.

Jeffrey Leitman, Ph.D., professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Adds, “The simple answer is that it is standardized with the model.” “Embryologically, neutral breast tissue and neutral nipple area during the fetal period, which is before birth.”

Put it another way, Dr. According to Leitman, breasts and then nipples develop in embryos before sex is determined in the fetus, and they usually remain throughout life. (However, there are some exceptions: he claims that if a person has athelia—a rare disorder in which the fetus fails to develop one or both nipples—

Girls’ breast tissue begins to form at puberty, while boys do not. But they still have nipples. But male nipples do not function the same as women’s.

That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re function-less, doctors say. Here’s what you should know about men’s nipples and the purpose they serve.

Why do men have nipples?

Dr. According to Kappa, both males and females receive identical copies of their DNA from their parents while still in the womb. “Male and female share the same genetic blueprint early in development.”

According to them, sexual differentiation begins in the sixth week of pregnancy, but before that, developing breasts begin to take shape in utero. The Y chromosome, which identifies the fetus as male, is what drives it.

Testicular development and many other traits that distinguish men and women are found there, according to Dr. Kappa. “Nipples start developing really early.”

Dr. According to Leitman, puberty is when “the individual grows after birth and the hormones start to work,” when the functional difference between male and female nipples begins.

Throughout adolescence, girls begin to develop breast tissue for nursing.Men’s nipples…just stay there. However, some men can develop breast tissue during puberty or later, a condition known as gynecomastia, where male breast tissue is overdeveloped.

Do men’s nipples serve a purpose?

Like your appendix, male nipples are sometimes considered vestigial—a physical feature that evolved but served no purpose. After all, men don’t breastfeed. Dr. Kappa argues that nipples serve a purpose.

Dr. According to Leitman, men and women share the same glands, nerves and surrounding tissues. The glands in women help lubricate and soften the area so that nursing is possible. They contribute to making male nipples more receptive during intercourse.

According to research, male nipples are rich in nerve tissue, and stimulating male nipples lights up parts of the brain similar to genital stimulation. Approximately 50% of men claim that their sexual arousal is either increased or stimulated by nipple stimulation, while others Studies reveal.

“Although they don’t have a functional purpose like females, they do have a potential sexual purpose,” Dr. Kappa says.

Dr. “Erogenous zones are very important,” adds Leitman. “In men, the nipple is not an insignificant structure. For such reasons, it is retained.

Can men lactate?

Male nipples occasionally discharge. However, men are not always capable of nursing. Dr. Leitman points out that although on a smaller, less developed scale, the functions of the male breast—the milk ducts and milk-producing areas—are similar to those of women.

There are many causes of nipple discharge in men, one of which is galactorrhea. Pituitary gland abnormalities and side effects of medications are two possible causes.

Dr. According to Kappa, certain medications, such as antipsychotics, antidepressants, and hypertension meds, can also cause nipple discharge. However, it is not that prevalent.

Signs You Should See a Doctor About Your Nipples

There are various disorders that affect male breast tissue, however they are not specifically linked to the nipples.

For example, insufficient testosterone, a pituitary gland tumor, a thyroid condition or kidney disease can all cause gynecomastia, Dr. According to Kappa. Although rare, men can also develop breast cancer.

See your doctor if you experience any discomfort, bleeding, discharge or pain in the nipple area.

According to Dr. Kappa, men should not ignore these symptoms.

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