Here are 4 ways to maximize the nutritional benefits of broccoli.


The health benefits of green vegetables are many. Eating it has many health benefits. Eating certain foods like broccoli has many ways health benefits. Iron, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin K are the nutrients they contain and help improve bodily functions. But broccoli has health benefits only if eaten properly. The health benefits of broccoli are widely acknowledged. This green vegetable is considered to be a protein powerhouse. Broccoli, however, is healthy only if properly prepared and consumed. You can cook, fry, roast, steam, and many other ways to eat broccoli. Following are some cooking methods for broccoli that can help you reap its many health benefits.

4 ways of cooking broccoli :


This is an easy way to prepare broccoli for a salad or barbecue. To begin with, set the steamer over a saucepan of boiling water. Next, chop the broccoli florets into small pieces and steam for five to seven minutes or until tender. Combine some spices and lemon juice and then enjoy it as a salad.


Put ice water in one pot and boil water in another pot. After blanching the broccoli florets for two to three minutes, plunge them directly into the frozen water. Once it cools down, strain it to your taste. This way it will retain its color and crispness.


Broccoli can be roasted in the oven to maintain flavor, color and consistency. Preheat the oven to 180°C to 220°C before cooking. Wash the broccoli florets and then place them on a baking pan with salt, pepper and olive oil. Once the edges are crisp and brown, fry for ten to fifteen minutes, turning occasionally.


In a skillet over medium heat, melt the butter or olive oil and cook the broccoli. Once soft, add chopped broccoli and cook for five to seven minutes. After adding mixed herbs, salt and pepper, taste. This is the easiest way to cook broccoli. To make it an even more delicious dinner, you can top it with your favorite vegetables.

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4 ways of cooking broccoli to reap the health benefits (

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