5 Fibre-Rich Summer Foods To Help You Shed Those Extra Kilos Quickly


Fibre-Rich Summer Foods For Weight Loss

Losing weight is sometimes very difficult even with regular exercise and cutting down on bad food intake. An ideal weight loss diet includes foods rich in important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. The healthiest and most efficient methods of weight loss are preferably taken from a high fiber diet. Fiber-rich foods increase feelings of fullness, reduce appetite, and increase vitality. Consequently, you should include fiber-rich foods in your diet this summer to get amazing results in terms of weight loss.

Fibre-Rich Summer Foods For Weight Loss

Grilled Vegetables

Grilled vegetables, such as bell peppers, zucchini, and eggplant, are high in fiber and low in calories. One of the healthiest and cleanest ways to eat vegetables is to grill them without the need for oil or dressing. Grilling is one of the greatest cooking methods for weight loss because it helps melt the fat from vegetables.


With the lowest glycemic index and highest water content of all fruits, berries are a great food for weight loss. They also contain a lot of fiber, especially soluble fiber, which helps to slow down the digestion of food and increase the feeling of fullness and reduce hunger.

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Sweet Corn

Sweet corn is well known for its high fiber, carbohydrate, vitamin and mineral content. The insoluble fiber in sweet corn feeds the good bacteria in the gut. It is known as an excellent probiotic due to the presence of good gut flora, which facilitates digestion and supports a healthy metabolism.


Ninety percent of watermelon is packed with nutrients and is filling. It is a great food for weight loss as it is also high in fiber. In addition, lycopene, an antioxidant with many benefits that can help prevent cancer, heart disease and other diseases, is abundant in watermelon.

Beans And Legumes

They provide fiber, protein and amino acids, important nutrients that improve general health. They can be added to soups or salads to provide health benefits without compromising taste. Regularly including beans and legumes in your diet can help improve gut flora, lower blood sugar and cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.

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