Feng Shui 11 advice to enhance every room in your home

Feng Shui advice to enhance every room in your home

The Front Porch

Feng Shui

The front porch has special significance in terms of Feng Shui. After all, it is the starting “room” of the house! A door in particular attracts good energy into the house. For optimal energy flow, it’s also important to keep the front of your home clear and clutter-free. Plus, a front porch that exudes openness and friendliness will attract better energy than a dilapidated porch that feels neglected. Regarding color schemes, it is believed that a bright front entrance creates the best vibe.

Front Foyer

It’s easy to rush through the foyer for jackets, bags and shoes. This is something to avoid when it comes to feng shui because overall clutter brings negative energy and clutter in an entrance hallway can make one feel restricted in energy. A beautiful and inspiring piece of art or family portraits that greet guests as they approach the home are perfect for hanging on the front door. Landscape painting is advised as it adds more windows to the house.

Living Room: Sofa Tips

One of the most feng shui-unsafe rooms in the house is the living room because it is often the first place guests visit. A general rule of thumb in feng shui living rooms is to place the sofa against the wall. Conversely, a sofa that appears to be “floating” in the middle of the space will disrupt the flow of energy. It is said that a sofa placed against a wall gives stability and support to the people living there.

Living Room: Coffee Tables

Curtains of any kind should be hidden or covered because they reflect light just like mirrors. Mirrors are seen as a risky investment in feng shui because, if placed in the wrong position, they can cause energy to flow back out of the room. Additionally, energy flows around a round, oval, or unusually shaped coffee table — like the one seen here — better than it does around a square or rectangle with sharp corners.

Related: Minimalist Living Room Ideas That Prove Less is More

An Uncluttered Kitchen

It is now clear to you that any kind of clutter should be avoided in order to maintain good feng shui. This is especially valid for kitchen counters. Anything that can be put in should be put in, nothing. By doing this, the surfaces will remain clean and the energy path will remain uninterrupted. If you’re not sure whether to keep or toss, consider these tips for organizing your kitchen like Marie Kondo.

An Uncluttered Fridge

Every home with children has magnetized pictures, lists, reminders and other items stuck in the refrigerator, which is bad for feng shui! A cluttered refrigerator and one full of leftover and unopened spices both give off bad energy. Maintain order and tidiness. It will make you very happy.

Related: Keep Your Fridge Clean 101 | 10 Easy Tips

The Kitchen Sink

According to feng shui, a leaky tap or a dripping faucet should be fixed immediately, as it indicates that your money is empty, which is never a good thing. Find out more about fixing a leaky faucet (as well as some other easy DIY home fixes).


It is important to keep the toilet lid down and the door closed when using the restroom. It is said that when the toilet lid is kept down and the bathroom door is closed, all the positive energy flows out of the house. Consider the phrase “out of sight, out of mind” when it comes to this area of your home.

Related: Your 10-Step Bathroom Cleaning Routine


Ideal bedrooms are those that are airy, light-filled, comfortable and visually appealing. Positive energy will also flow through windows that let in plenty of natural light. Check out these stress-free, revitalizing Zen bedrooms for more ideas.

The Bed

Considering the amount of time you spend in it every day, it is clear that the bed will be the most important piece of furniture in the entire home according to Feng Hui. A sturdy headboard – ideally made of wood – will support your body when you sleep. Avoid using metal headboards with railings. They can also be opaque, like the one in this photo, which throw cushions can only hide.


When it comes to Feng Shui, windows are a bit of a tricky topic; having too many windows is bad, but so is having too few. Maintaining clean windows is just as vital as maintaining balance. Our perception of the outside world is shaped by our windows; filthy, dim windows that provide a hazy vision will eventually obscure that perspective.

Maintaining the clarity of your view may be achieved by washing your windows on a regular basis, both inside and out. During your weekly cleaning routine, try using a microfiber cloth and glass cleaning spray to clean the inside. A bucket of hot water mixed with cleaning solution, a sponge, and a squeegee are some of the more powerful cleaning items you may need for this task. Aim to clean the exteriors once a month.

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