Eye Pigmentation Exile: 5 Effective Home Remedies to Revitalize Under Eye Skin!

eye pigmentation

As you age, your skin tone can change dramatically. Some spots, dark areas or under-eye circles may be visible. These circles can be caused by hyperpigmentation, but they can also be a sign of fatigue, dehydration, and insufficient sleep. Pigmentation that is darker relative to the surrounding skin is called undereye pigmentation. Despite the fact that they usually do not warrant care, you can soften their appearance. These are some effective home remedies for under eye pigmentation.

What causes Eye pigmentation?

The main cause of Eye pigmentation is the skin’s increased melanin production. It causes discoloration of the skin, spots and dark spots  on the skin. Skin pigmentation is caused by frequent sun exposure. Your skin develops melanin in response to UV radiation or sunlight to protect itself from these harmful rays. As a result the skin may become more pigmented. Additionally, genetics, side effects of medications and hormonal fluctuations can increase the chances of Eye pigmentation. An imbalance in melanin synthesis can cause discoloration, leading to hyperpigmentation (too much pigment) or hypopigmentation (not enough pigment).

5 home remedies for under eye pigmentation

1. Apple cider vinegar (ACV)

Because of its strong antibacterial and antifungal properties, apple cider vinegar is a great tool for getting rid of blemishes and patches. In addition, the malic acid contained in ACV reduces the synthesis of melanin and helps in the formation of hyperpigmentation and brown spots. Plus, ACV exfoliates your skin, resulting in a brighter complexion.

How to use it: Application: Mix 1 tablespoon of gram flour and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Now add one spoon of honey and stir well. Apply this combination on the under-eyes for a glossy look. After 10 minutes, remove it, massage the dry mask for two to three minutes and wash your face.

2. Mulethi (licorice)

An effective Ayurvedic treatment is Mulethi. According to 2013 National Library of Medicine research, it has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-aging properties that are known to help reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally, it helps prevent UV damage and reduce signs of skin disorders including Eye pigmentation. It can help improve complexion and manage acne.

How to use it: Mix turmeric and licorice powder to make a smooth paste. To smooth it, now apply rose water. Now apply this mixture on your skin and let it sit there for ten to fifteen minutes. Considering that sandalwood is effective in removing Eye pigmentation, you can also add powdered sandalwood to this mixture.

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3. Green tea bags

Placing green tea bags under the eyelids can help reduce swelling and irritation. Green tea bags can help reduce pigmentation and dark circles due to their high flavonoid content. They can also help increase skin elasticity. It is preferable to use green tea bags as green tea is a well-known and effective therapy to prevent skin redness due to UV radiation.

How to use it: Prepare green tea bags and let them cool. For ten to fifteen minutes, place a bag under each eye, making sure to hide dark circles. Gently press the bags to release the antioxidant-rich tea. Moisturize your skin after throwing away the old tea bags.

4. Potato slices

Mashing potatoes is a home remedy for pigmentation problems. Its enzymes and vitamin C can help even out skin tone and lighten dark spots. Somewhat acidic properties can help exfoliate dead skin cells and promote a more radiant complexion. Enzymes, starch, vitamin C and vitamins A and C help nourish your skin.

how to use it: Wash, peel and cut the potatoes first. Apply a few drops of rose water to a potato slice and use it to massage the under-eye imperfections for a while. Another option is to cut a raw potato and apply the pieces to the affected area for ten to fifteen minutes.

5. Papaya

Papaya is widely known for its potential benefits in treating pigmentation disorders as it is rich in antioxidants and enzymes like papain. Papain helps reduce dark spots by removing dead skin cells and promotes cell turnover. The vitamin A and C concentration in this fruit helps develop a more even skin tone and lighten the complexion. Plus, papaya’s moisturizing properties can promote a more youthful complexion.

How to Apply: Mash a ripe papaya and add the benefits of aloe vera gel to it to use as a pigmentation agent. Mix the two ingredients well. At this point apply the mixture to the problem area, and then wash it off after 15 to 20 minutes. After using it, your skin will look bright and clean.

7 other skincare tips to prevent pigmentation

  1. Wear full outerwear and use sunscreen (SPF 30+) to protect your skin from UV rays.
  2. To avoid discoloration and irritation, use moderate skincare products.
  3. Moisturize your skin properly to prevent dryness and reduce the chances of discoloration.
  4. To improve skin tone, eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants.
  5. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, reducing the accumulation of pigmentation.
  6. Use a retinol- or vitamin C-based lotion to lighten pigmentation.
  7. See a dermatologist if the problem persists.

Over time, repeated use of these DIY solutions can help reduce pigmentation. But results vary, so if you have significant pigmentation, see a dermatologist!

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