Remove Earwigs Easily: Your 4 Ultimate Guide to a Bug-Free Home!


With their quick, hasty escape and their strange tail pincers, earwigs can look like the stuff of absolute nightmares when they’re detected. However, many people prefer to get rid of visible earwigs as soon as possible, even though they are usually harmless if found in your home and won’t sink into your ears while you sleep, as many old wives’ tales suggest. .

Earwigs are nocturnal animals that prefer moist, shady places such as mulch and behind rocks. They are not human; Their food consists of leaves, flowers, fruits and other insects! Because they eat insects for food, they will also seek light throughout the night.

“With our comprehensive guide, you can easily remove earwigs from your home and create a bug-free haven. Learn practical tricks and tried-and-true techniques that will enable you to reclaim your space hassle-free. You’ll know how. To give you and your loved ones peace of mind and a comfortable living space, from basic preventative measures to say goodbye to pesky pests and welcome to a home of peace and tranquility rules.”

Although earwigs can be invasive pests, you can successfully control them and rid your home of them using the right strategies. To keep earwigs out of your living area, start by filling gaps and cracks in potential entry points, such as doors, windows, and foundations. Using natural repellents such as essential oils or diatomaceous earth can prevent these pests from congregating near your home.

If you find earwigs in your home, here are strategies to get rid of them as well as ways to make your home pest-free.

Do Earwigs Bite Humans?

man in black crew neck shirt

Earwigs don’t bite in the traditional sense, and they don’t have any venom. But if you do try to pick up an earwig, it could pinch you with those pincers on its tail. It won’t break the skin, but it could hurt a bit.

Why Do Earwigs Show Up in Your House?

Thomas Dobrinska, BCE, PHE, technical services manager at Terminix, warns that if your basement is humid, you may be inviting an earwig. As a result.”And as the weather turns cool, you may find adult earwigs in your home, as they like protected, yet moist areas.

How to Prevent Earwigs in Your House

Preventing earwig infestations in your home is much easier than removing them once they have established a home. “The key to prevention is removing mulch, leaf litter, splash guards, stones and landscape timbers around the structure,” Dobrinska explains. “Make sure water is diverted away from the structure.” You should also seal any curtains, screens over weep holes, and any cracks or fissures, to prevent any unwanted visitors from entering the home.

You can make your basement less attractive to earwigs by running a dehumidifier in it.

In addition, Dobrinska recommends replacing your outdoor lights with sodium vapor light bulbs, as they will deter earwigs and their preferred meal.

How to Get Rid of Earwigs in Your Home

Most of the time, there’s probably some earring that’s lingering, which you can take care of the old-fashioned way with a shoe stomp or vacuum cleaner. Dobrinska adds that using granular insect baits and insecticides can help eliminate earwig infestations. Another option is to give them a spray made of 70% alcohol and water. However, similar to glue traps used for mice, earwigs can also work if placed in a visible location.

Related: Best Insect Killers for Inside and Outside Your Home

Taking on some of the prevention methods—especially the ones that address moisture, such as using a dehumidifier and fixing any leaks in the home—could help encourage earwigs to move out on their own.

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