Drink water in a day: The 7 best times


It is better to drink water below 7 times a day. Thanks to social media, we are regularly bombarded with health advice, tricks and tips. As with anything else we do on the Internet it is imperative that we verify the accuracy of all information provided to us through button clicks. Plus, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to make your life easier by providing you with independently verified information on everything from the nutritional makeup of your average garlic, how to choose the right ripe pomegranate, or weight. -Loss plan known as Oat-Zempic diet which is doing the rounds on social media.

Following are seven optimal times to drink water:

1) After Wake Up :

Drinking water when you wake up in the morning can stimulate your internal organs. “It kickstarts your metabolism, hydrates your body after hours of sleep, and helps flush out toxins,” the doctor said.

2) After exercise:

During physical activity, your body sweats and loses water. According to experts, water replenishment helps to restore lost fluids, hydrate the body and normalize heart rate. According to doctors, “It helps muscles recover and prevents dehydration.”

3) Half an hour before meal:

Drinking water thirty minutes before meals helps digestion. According to medical professionals, it helps the stomach prepare food by inducing the production of digestive enzymes. “Additionally, it can create a feeling of fullness, which can help with portion control and avoiding overeating,” the doctor noted.

4) Before bath:

Drinking water before bathing can lower blood pressure. According to one expert, it can temporarily thin your blood, making your heart’s pumping action easier. “However, it is important to note that this is not an alternative to medical treatment if you have high blood pressure,” said the doctor.

5) Before sleeping:

Water helps replace fluids lost during the day, so drink some before bed. According to medical professionals, this can help you stay hydrated while you sleep and prevent morning signs of dehydration, such as headaches and dry mouth.

6) When you feel tired:

Dehydration can cause fatigue. According to medical professionals, drinking water can help hydrate your body and give you energy when you’re feeling down. “It’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day to prevent fatigue,” said Doctors.

7) When you are sick:

When you’re sick, you need to stay hydrated because it helps your body carry out normal processes. According to doctors, drinking water promotes healthy regulation of body temperature, lubricates joints, aids digestion and makes it easier for cells to absorb nutrients and oxygen.

read also : Amazing Drinks to Beat the Heat This Summer

The 7 best times to drink water in a day areā€¦ (msn.com)

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