5 best purposes for lighting a Diya near your Tulsi plant every day at home


Benefits of lighting a Diya next to a Tulsi plant: In Hinduism, the holy Tulsi plant is considered very important. The holy Tulsi plant, referred to as Vrinda, is the earthly manifestation of Goddess Tulsi, who is worshiped as the consort of Vishnu and an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. Tulsi has both religious and medicinal significance, the former being known to treat various ailments and disorders. According to many Hindu rituals and traditions, lighting a diya or deepak near a Tulsi tree is said to be auspicious and bring money, optimism and health to the home. Here are some reasons why you should light a Diya every day in the vicinity of the Tulsi plant in your home.

Benefits Of Lighting Diya Near Tulsi Plant

Seek Blessings

People light lamps next to the Tulsi plant out of devotion and to seek the blessings of God, who is said to be the consort of Lord Vishnu and an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. It is believed that lighting a diya next to a plant attracts good energy and removes bad vibrations from the house. Lighting a lamp near a tulsi plant is a symbol of respect and dedication.

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Calm Environment

Diya placed near Tulsi plant is called atmosphere. Tulsi plant is said to purify the air by absorbing harmful gases like carbon dioxide from the environment.

Pleasant Smell

The pleasant aroma of ghee and lamp next to a tulsi plant boosts mood and promotes good energy. The aroma of ghee lamp removes the unpleasant odor, which calms the surroundings. The act of lighting a ghee lamp in front of a tulsi plant has cultural significance.

Keep Insects Away

In Hindu mysticism, Diya, also known as Jyoti, represents wisdom, purity and the removal of darkness in life. Apart from that, the aroma and light emitted from the ghee lamp also deters insects.

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Removes Darkness

The glow of the diya represents the removal of all frustrations and disappointments in existence. It represents the victory of knowledge over ignorance and the elimination of spiritual darkness from one’s life.

(Disclaimer: This is based on information available to the general public. Jagran English disputes its accuracy. Consult an expert in the field before taking any action.)

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