Wear these colorful clothes on your next outdoor adventure to avoid ticks


Ticks pose a minor but serious threat to the peace and beauty of the natural environment. These pesky critters not only plague those who enjoy the outdoors, but also cause many illnesses, including Lyme disease. For those trekking or camping in tick-prone areas, precautions must be taken to avoid ticks (especially between May and July). Choosing colors for your clothes, especially light colors, is a simple and successful trick.

Ticks are experts in disguise; They hide in bushes, long grass and leaf litter and wait for an opportunity to attach to a host. The black shade of their body blends in with the surrounding environment, making them undetectable to the unwary eye. The color of clothing can be very important in preventing tick bites. Wearing light-colored clothing, such as pastels, beiges, and whites, makes it easier to see and remove ticks before they’re on your skin because they create contrast.

In addition to keeping you cooler in the summer, when tick activity is at its peak, light-colored clothing can stimulate a more thorough tick inspection. This is important because the longer a tick attaches to a host, the more likely it is to become infected. In the past ten years, cases of Lyme disease have increased by 30%! There are 700 types of hard ticks and 200 types of soft ticks in the world, however the CDC reports that blacklegged, Lone Star and American dog ticks are the most prevalent ticks in the United States. These ticks are known to spread rhizome rickettsiosis, tularemia and other terrible diseases.

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Light-Colored Clothing And Other Preventative Measures

In addition to color, it is important to think about the style of clothes. Long pants and shirts provide physical protection from ticks. Ticks hiding under your clothing can be further reduced by tucking your shirt into your pants and your pants into your socks or boots. Wearing light-colored clothing with these habits will increase your protection against these pests, even if it is not fashionable. Hats are also a smart idea!

You can strengthen your defenses by wearing light-colored clothing and adding 20% to 30% DEET or 0.5% permethrin to your skin and clothing to repel insects. Reducing your exposure can also be accomplished by staying on well-traveled, clear paths and avoiding brushing against trees. Shower as soon as you get back inside to get rid of any hitchhiker ticks that may be stuck on you or your clothes. Throw your clothes in the laundry as soon as possible, using a hot cycle and a high-heat dryer setting, to eliminate any potential pests. Cold water does not kill ticks.

You can strengthen your defenses by wearing light-colored clothing and adding 20% to 30% DEET or 0.5% permethrin to your skin and clothing to repel insects. Reducing your exposure can also be accomplished by staying on well-traveled, clear paths and avoiding brushing against trees. Shower as soon as you get back inside to get rid of any hitchhiker ticks that may be stuck on you or your clothes. Throw your clothes in the laundry as soon as possible, using a hot cycle and a high-heat dryer setting, to eliminate any potential pests. Cold water does not kill ticks.

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