Top 5 Biggest “Mini Stroke” Early Warning Signs

person pointing Stay Present road sign during daytime

People have what is called a “mini stroke” or “warning stroke” before a more serious stroke occurs. This is clinically referred to as a transient ischemic attack or TIA. Because a transient ischemic attack (TIA) is just as dangerous as a stroke and still requires medical attention, many doctors disagree with the phrase. According to … Read more

Waist Whittling: 6 Fast Strategies to Lose an Inch in Just One Week!

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Calorie calculations show that an average-sized person would need to lose 4 pounds, or about 14,000 calories, to lose an inch around the middle. This is similar to the recommended weekly calorie intake for women. Obviously, cutting calories won’t cut it because there are other things besides belly fat that affect your girth, like bloating, … Read more

Accelerated Aging: Avoid This 1 Speed Power Mistake, Say Longevity Experts!

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Although the causes of aging are not fully known, they can be divided into two groups: extrinsic and intrinsic. Genetic factors cause intrinsic aging, but lifestyle decisions, including alcohol consumption, smoking, nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction, are responsible for extrinsic aging. I help CEOs, athletes and celebrities biohack their bodies and improve their health through … Read more

An expert in psychology lists 5 hurtful expressions that “extremely selfish, entitled” people frequently use, along with advice on how to respond to them.

black haired man making face

To some extent, we are all innately self-centered. Finding a “healthy self” balance that enables you to be self-centered rather than self-absorbed. I have worked as a workplace psychology researcher for over 30 years, helping organizations manage highly autistic workers, particularly those whose actions may endanger their colleagues. Here are five toxic phrases highly selfish … Read more

An expert on biological aging used 4 methods to go back 4 years to their own biological age.

man in green crew neck shirt smiling

Steve Horvath was the first to discover that sputum DNA could be used to estimate a person’s rate of physical aging. “It was very interesting at the time that you spit in a cup, and you measure the age,” the biostatistician previously told Insider. Simply put, his initial clock, created at UCLA in 2011, could … Read more

7 Lines people use to manipulate others that you should know

man massaging woman at the back

7 Lines people use to manipulate others that you should know “If You Do This For Me, I’ll Know You Really Care” This manipulative comment preys on their need to demonstrate affection and loyalty by creating a sense of duty and guilt in the target if they fail to comply with the manipulator’s request. This … Read more

7 Best Latest Shag Hairstyles Every Chick Should Try

purple haired woman in black top leaning on wall

1. Long Length Shag with Choppy Layers Zendaya pays homage to the ’90s with her long, somewhat windswept hairstyle, which elevates her to an even more stylish level. Who doesn’t love nostalgia? It looks a little more polished than some of the previous cuts and looks amazing on Zendaya! I quickly bookmarked this image on … Read more